Naval Reserve - Cruise To Faraway Places

Naval Reserve - Cruise To Faraway Places

Cruise to Faraway Places with Pay in the NAVAL RESERVE

  • Ports You Can Visit
  • Paid Drills at Home
  • How to Get a Naval Reserve Commission
  • Fulfil Your Military Obligation

WILLIE WISE GUY • • • plans to parlay

This is the guy who always seems to know just which horse to bet on at the races -- but is never in the money. Same way with military service. He thinks he has all the angles figured, plans to parlay deferments indefinitely:

OSCAR OSTRICH ...won't face facts

Roy Ready prefers the Naval Reserve

This is the fellow who still wants mama to make up his mind for him...and mama's idea is to 'wait till he's called'. And do they have a rude awakening when the fellow next door gets to be a petty officer and lil Oscar's put to peeling spuds:

Do You Know these joes..?

He investigated on his own, found that:

  1. The Universal Military Training Act of 1952 states that all men, upon reaching 18 1/2 years, are subject to Eight years of Military Service.
  2. That he could serve this time in a number of ways. He could join the Naval Reserve, serve in a 'drilling status' for three years, serve two years active duty, and then three years in the Standby Reserves. You do not have to attend drills while in the Standby Reserves.



The Naval Reserve a Mystery?

Then You'll Want to Read


Let's take SEAMAN READY.

Mr. Ready is 17 years old and is going to High School. He has a vague idea that some time in the distant future, he will be drafted.

Through some way, such as a radio program on the Naval Reserve, personal contact with some member of the Reserves, or through his High School principal or superintendent, he hears there is a Naval Reserve unit in his own home town.

He hears that they meet one night a week for two and a half hours and that they have some mighty interesting radio, radar, electricity.- He needs a little pocket money also. (A day's pay is received for each drill attended.)

Mr. Ready is brought out to the meeting by a regular member of the Division. He is interviewed by a Stationkeeper who informs him of the advantages of membership in the Naval Reserve and also the obligations of the Naval Reservist.

He then meets the Commanding Officer, who explains the set up of the Training Program. He is invited to ask any questions he wishes.

After this conference with the Commanding Officer and the Stationkeeper, Mr. Ready says "O.K., it sounds like a good deal to me, how do I go about joining?"

He is referred back to the Stationkeeper, who administers the Applicant qualification test. Mr. Ready wants to make a high score on the test--to be eligible for membership in the unit and also to qualify for advanced training later.

He likes mathematics and such, so he is pretty confident of making a good grade, which he does. He then makes out his application for enlistment.

From this, the Stationkeeper prepares his Service Record, assigns him a specific class, orders his Naval Uniforms and a host of other things that will transfer him from Civilian to Military life. He is then given a thorough physical examination.

Mr. Ready has now been found in all respects qualified for membership in the Naval Reserve.

He is sworn in by the Commanding Officer.

He is now known as SEAMAN RECRUIT READY.

RECRUIT READY now begins his Recruit training. He reports to the Officer in Charge of the Recruit Class.

Here he studies the Navy's history, its accomplishments, and just how all of its different branches work together to make an efficient, fighting Navy. This phase of training takes nine months.

At some time during this nine months, RECRUIT READY goes to the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois, for two weeks intense training that cannot be covered here in his home town. As soon as his training is completed,he takes an examination for advancement to the next higher rating.

Due to the fact that he has attended all drills, taken the correspondence courses, and really wants to get ahead, he passes with flying colors, and is advanced to the rating of SEAMAN APPRENTICE.

SEAMAN APPRENTICE READY now begins another phase of his training that also covers nine months. The scope of this training covers the general duties of the SEAMEN of the U.S. Navy, and is administered by another of the Division's officers.

SEAMAN APPRENTICE READY gets to learn the various jobs to be performed by non-rated personnel aboard ship and gets a thorough knowledge of the jobs ships of the fleet are required to perform.

When Seaman Ready has passed his physical, a complete Navy uniform is ordered for him. his blue jumper is stencilled -- every item must be properly marked. Shoes are only item he buys.

At some point in this nine month period, he takes a two week training cruise on a Naval ship out of New Orleans -with liberty in a fascinating Caribbean port such as Havana or Nassau:

During this cruise he learns more about shipboard life, how to get along with his shipmates in crowded quarters, and generally becomes a "Salty Sailor".

SEAMAN APPRENTICE Ready returns from his cruise, takes his examination on what he has studied the previous 18 months. For the same reason that he made a good grade on his first promotion examination, he also passes this one with flying colors. He is now known as SEAMAN READY.

Going Up!

At this point SEAMAN Ready begins a completely different type of training. Previously, he has been taught how to be an efficient seaman, and generally introduced to the Navy life. He has developed a high respect for teamwork, discipline, and prompt obedience of orders.

At some period since the time he was sworn in, until he made SEAMAN, he was given a battery of tests to determine his aptitude and capabilities for a specific job in the Navy.

Of course, his preference for a particular job was given great consideration too.

From the results of these tests, SEAMAN READY was selected for Electronics Technician training. He is now assigned to the officers who are instructors in the Electronics Classes.

The Real Thing!

This class starts out very elementary, but soon builds up into a somewhat complicated study. (The same is true if SEAMAN Ready had been selected for one of the other types of advanced Navy training.)

The Electronics Classes are among the most interesting in the Naval Reserve. With our lives depending more and more on electronics every day, the importance of the course can be seen very easily.

From simple theory of electricity and magnetism, SEAMAN READY progresses to building simple radio sets, working on electronic test equipment, and finally to repair of Radio and Radar transmitters.

This period of training (in electronics OR OTHER ADVANCED rate training) lasts 16 months. SEAMAN Ready's two weeks active duty training this year is spent at one of the Navy Service Schools teaching his specialty.


When your dad was a boy, he used to hear the slogan "Join the Navy and See the World". It was true...and still is.

But today, there's an even better deal for young men. Because now, you can join the Navy...see the world...AND get your basic training right at home, with your own buddies.

Let's say, for example, that you're a high school senior of 16. You know first of all that you are liable under the present law to eight years of military service, two years of .

SEAMAN READY has industriously applied himself and is now ready to take his place on the Navy team if the need should suddenly arise.

He takes and passes his examination for ELECTRONICS TECH NICIAN, THIRD CLASS. He is now a Petty Officer, or noncommissioned officer of the U.S. Naval Reserve.

Petty Officer READY has been transformed from a recruit without any knowledge of the Navy, without any technical training, into a specialist in the field of Electronics. He which must be on active duty.

By joining the Naval Reserve you can begin getting that military requirement behind you...and you can be advancing in the Navy right here at home.

That means that by the time you are called to active duty, you're already an experienced Navy man...not a raw recruit.

And all because you took advantage of the Naval Reserve Training offered right in your own home town:

Don't delay...get your name on the list today:

He is also a fighting man 100% capable of defending his country at a moment's notice. All of this has been accomplished WITHOUT HIS LEAVING HOME, except for two week training periods each year, AND AT VERY SMALL COST TO THETAXPAYER,

With Petty Officer READY,and thousands like him, already trained, the United States will not have another "Pearl Harbor". The Reserves stand as a mute warning to any aggressor nation to think twice before attacking this country and trying to change our American way of life.

by LCDR J.M. Shelton, USNR

You get paid for learning at your own Naval Reserve Training these future submariners getting a close-up of a torpedo....or these Reservists taking part in a lively "tracking" exercise in the CIC section...

The Case of SN READY... (Conclusion)

Your Home Town Naval Reserve.. Classroom Instructional Practice
A Skilled and Trained Navy Man Before You Ever Go To Active Duty
Your Home Town Naval Reserve

WHEN DISASTER STRIKES AT HOME... it did at Waco, San Angelo and Orange, Texas-- at Lake Charles, Louisiana, and other cities in the Eighth Naval District... Naval Reservists rushed to the rescue in their own home towns.., remember those pictures of 'white hats' in LIFE Magazine's coverage of the Waco tornado?

And how Naval Reservists left their jobs and saved their home towns from rampaging flood waters in Orange and Lake Charles? And those who rescued school children when a cyclone struck at San Angelo?

Naval Reservists can be -- and are, when the occasion demands -- "Heroes in Their Own Home Towns"

Naval Reserves to the Rescue..


Two Weeks
Great Lakes or San Diego

Your first 'two weeks active duty for training' finds you with others of your buddies from your own home town -- on your way to San Diego, California or Great Lakes, Illinois (just outside Chicago).

If you live in the western half of the Eighth Naval District, you go to San Diego; those in the eastern part of Texas, Oklahoma, and all of Louisiana and Arkansas go to Great Lakes.

You learn how important 'mail call' can be.. (see the eager faces below:) - - you spend hours in classes, more hours in drill and practical training... and there's wonderful time out for 'liberty' and recreation:

And, of course the Navy pays your travel to and from boot camp.... and you're on full pay for the two weeks.

It's Fun To Visit Foreign Ports

It's fun to go aboard a Destroyer Escort like the USS HAAS, smartly saluting the quarterdeck... to learn new skills at sea... to visit fascinating foreign ports like Nassau or Havana... to shop for souvenirs and curios, to see the sights with newfound friends and shipmates..

To cruise the Caribbean -- and get paid for it (And all because you joined the Naval Reserve:) in the Silent Service, too!


There are two Reserve Submarine Divisions in the EIGHTH Naval District: one in Houston, Texas, which trains in the USS PORPOISE, and the other in New Orleans, La., which trains in the USS 'TARPON.

Submariners returning to inactive duty in other cities may be associated with Surface Divisions, but take their two weeks training with other submariners, usually in New London, Conn., where the Navy's sub school is located.

It's a in a Reserve Submarine Division when one of the men earns his dolphins, signifying that he's 'qualified in subs' like the K-1 on the opposite page:

Part of the training at the New London school includes that in the pressure chamber, shown in the second photo on the opposite page.

Age of Electronics

Every bright young man knows that this is the age of electronics....that there's an interesting present and a profitable future in the fields of radio, radar, sonar, and related technical fields.

In the Electronics Divisions of the Naval Reserve you receive priceless technical and professional training in the electronics field...and get paid for learning.

These are skills that command a high value in civilian life as well. In addition to the training offered at the Naval Reserve Training Centers, there are Naval Reserve Electronics Divisions, Companies and Platoons in many other 8ND cities: See pages 28--31 for the one nearest your home:

Can Do! CB Reserve Program

The fabulous SeaBees of World War II fame are making history for themselves in the Naval Reserve, too: If you are over 26, or have already served a hitch in the Navy, you might be able to qualify for a rating in one of the CB Reserve Divisions. The SeaBees are especially interested in men with construction or building trades backgrounds, heavy equipment drivers and mechanics, diesel and gasoline mechanics.

On the opposite page are some CB Reservists during their two weeks training duty at Port Hueneme, Calif.

Want an Education?

The Naval Reserve doesn't offer you a college education served up on a silver platter... Nor does membership in the Naval Reserve assure you, just because you're a reservist, that you will be automatically allowed to finish college.

You have to have something on the ball.

BUT- - -

For the young man who has a modest amount of brains and ability and a big desire to learn a lot and a get ahead fast.... the Naval Reserve offers a great deal.

  • He can advance in rate (pay grade) as a reservist
  • He can learn the fundamentals and even advanced work in radio, radar, electronics and other trades.
  • He can take free correspondence courses from the Navy.
  • He can, after he's on active duty, take college level correspondence courses from leading universities for as little as $2.00 a course.


ROC--(Reserve Officer Candidates.) The officer opportunity for enlisted men who are in their first three years of college, are members of the Naval Reserve, and otherwise qualified. Paid summer training.

NROTC--(Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps.) Previous membership in the Naval Reserve helpful but not obligatory. In addition to summer cruises, student receives pay while in college.

NAVAL ACADEMY--A quota of 160 is available each year for Naval Reservists, is not always filled. You must join Reserve before 1 July, apply before 1 Oct for consideration for next July's class.

8 WAYS to Fulfill Your Military Obligation

The Armed Forces Reserve Act (Public Law 476) calls for eight years 'obligation' -- but not all on active duty. The chart on the opposite page shows the various combinations of active and inactive duty you can elect.

What the chart doesn't show - and this is to your advantage - is that by joining the Naval Reserve on your 17th birthday (while you're still in high school or a college freshman), you can work off some of your 'participating' time before you ever go on active duty:

(If you make ROC or NROTC or stay at the top of your college class, you can sometimes work off as much as five years of your participating time before going on active duty:)

It's a matter of simple arithmetic.

The fellow who joins the Naval Reserve on his 17th birthday
has completed every bit of his obligated service by the time
he is 25 -- plus all the other advantages the Reserve offers.

Here's another way to look at it. The fellow who joins the Naval Reserve on his 17th birthday has an eight year head start in both his military and civilian careers over the fellow who tries to postpone his obligated military service.

The smart thing to do -when you make your 17th birthday -- RUN, don't walk, to the nearest Naval Reserve unit:


You have reached your 17th birthday, but are not yet 18 1/2 years of age.

You are physically qualified. The Navy will give you a physical, but if you are in normal good health and have no chronic ailments- you are probably qualified.

You can pass an aptitude test. This shouldn't give you too much trouble, particularly if you are doing all right in high school.

Show this book to your parents and talk over the Naval Reserve with them. Bring them with you to visit the Naval Reserve unit nearest you--there is no obligation to join, but many units have waiting lists for 17 to 18Z year olds. Don't delay!

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