The Paymaster General Restricted Monthly Newsletter
Front Cover, Navy Department Bureau of Supplies and Accounts NavSandA Publication No. 00, Vol. VII, No. 7, 1 April 1944. GGA Image ID # 1cfbda3ae3
The disbursing officer at the US Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, has arranged to use a GB-2 (four-place Beechcraft) to carry an assistant disbursing officer and payroll to and from four auxiliary air stations for the payment of enlisted personnel on temporary duty at those outlying points.
Using this air transportation on semi-monthly pay trips not only assures prompt personnel payment on paydays but also saves time for the disbursing office staff. The circuit of the auxiliary stations, with four pay stops being made en route, is completed in three and one-half hours.
Wave Officer Makes Pay Trips by Airplane. Paymaster General Monthly Newsletter, 1 April 1944. The Pay Line at an Auxiliary Station of NATO, Pensacola, as It Is Operated Close to the Pay Plane. Ens. Mary B. Brown, W-V(S), SC, USNR, Is the Assistant Disbursing Officer in Charge of This Flying Pay Detail. She Is Shown Above Between Two Enlisted Storekeepers as She Accepts a Pay Chit From an Enlisted WAVE a Few Moments After She Had Alighted With the Money Bag From the Plane, Which Appears in the Background. GGA Image ID # 1cfc1c8312
Table of Contents
Monthly Newsletter From the Paymaster General
- Officer Personnel
- V-Mailing of Newsletter Starts with Next Issue
- Additional Information on Payroll Procedure Change
- Mastering-Out Pay
- Money Listing Machines for Use in New Pay Procedure
- Cartoon
- New Navy Accounting System Proposed
- Disposition of Surplus and Salvaged Materials
- Storage Division Is Established
- ComAirPac Aviation Supply Conference
- Offices of District Clothing Officer
- Officer of Supply Corps Cited by Admiral Halsey
- WAVE officer of Supply Corps Makes 'Pay Trip by Plane (ill)
- Capabilities of WAVE Officers Should Be Really Utilized
- Temporary Appointments to Warrant and Commissioned Rank
- Notes on Parchasing - Field Purchase Service
- Catalogs of Navy Surplus Materials or Condemned Stocks
- Storage of Rubber Tires and Tubes
- Approved Method of Palletized Storage of Tires (ill)
- A Suggestion for Equipment Maintenance (Cartoon)
- Submission to Mustering-out Payments Division
- Confusion in Shipments to Astoria Area Activities
- Use of Centralized Pallet Purchase System
- Compilation of the Supply Corps History
- Information Requested to Aid In Post War Planning
- Economy Measures Suggested for Shipping Officers
- "Mmo" Pay Accounts
- Follow-Up Procedure at Boston Section Base (ill)
- Aviation Magazines Discuss Aeronautical Supply Problems
- Substitution of Increased Rental and Subsistence Allowances
- Suggested Aids in Fitting Out Vessels
- Ordnance Stock Office Ccnmended
- Centralized Control and Procurement of Tires and tubes
- Quarterly Cash Maintenance Allowance for Clothing
- Bureau's Income Tax Service Widely Utilized
- Cartoon
- Procedure for Discontinuing NSI and GI Allotments
- Information Requested on Masking Paint
- Invoices and Public Vouchers Handled by Property Accounting Office
- Declarations of Estimated 1944 Federal Income and Victory Taxes
- Reciprocal Aid in North Africa
- Sliding Racks for Commissary Stores
- A New Drum Loading Platform
- Sliding Rack for Corrmissary Stores (Ill)
- Procedure in Piblic Voucher Section, N5D, San Diego
- Ration Banking Program "Manual of Operations"
- Navy's Part in History of Federal Standard Stock Catalog
- Changes in Ratings by Pay Grades
- ASO Catalog Now Covers Majority of All Replacements Items
- Latest Piblication Changes
- NASD Expedites Accomplishnent of Bills of lading
- Eggburt (Cartoon)
- Accumulative Index
- Paymaster General Page
Offices of District Clothing Officer (Page 14)
To establish closer liaison between the Bureau and clothing officers in the field, to avoid waste of critical textiles and clothing, and ensure proper distribution and utilization, the Bureau has requested the Commandants of Naval Districts to assign an officer of the Supply Corps from the organization of the District Supply Officer under their respective commands to duty as District Clothing Officer.
The proposed duties of the District Clothing Officer are:
- To investigate and assist all clothing officers In the procurement, maintenance of stock and stock control records, and rendition of reports and returns.
- To advise and assist In the distribuítion and disposition of all clothing within the District to which attached.
- To advise the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts through the Offices of the District Supply Officer and the District Commandant of all matters requiring Bureau Action.
The Bureau has been conducting a continuous study of field clothing problems for some time. Still, under the existing organization's advice, these problems are usually not forthcoming until the situation has become acute. It is felt, therefore, that a definite need exists for closer liaison between the Bureau and clothing officers in the field, particularly those officers within the continental limits of the United States who are faced with the problem of outfitting large numbers of trainees and students.
In establishing the Offices of the District Clothing Officer, it is contemplated that no assignments of additional personnel to the office of the District Supply Officer will be required. Officers possessing training and experience, notably qualifying them for duty as District Clothing Officer, are available in the Supply Corps and will be nominated from time to time as replacements for officers currently on duty within the organization of the District Supply Officer.
Sliding Rack for Commissary Stores. The Above Photograph Shows the Sliding Rack Used on the Check-out Counters of the Commissary Store, NOB, Norfolk, To Conserve Manpower and Speed Service. Paymaster General Monthly Newsletter, 1 April 1944. GGA Image ID # 1cfc461900
Essential savings in staffing have been effected In the Commissary Store, Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Virginia, by installing a system of sliding racks at the checkout stands.
The sliding racks are installed on the counters where the ccrrcïssary's patrons file by the cashier. The patron lifts the merchandise from his basket and places it on the counter within the sliding rack, setting the rationed and non-rationed items in designated spaces. The cashier then pulls the rack forward to bring the items within the most convenient range for the computation of cash and point values. At the same time, the cashier totals the money and points and slides the merchandise forward to the bagger, who packages it for carry-out. The rack is returned at once to be refilled by the next customer.
Before the installation of these sliding racks, illustrated on the opposite page, three employees were required at each checkout stand in the store--a basket-lifter, a cashier, and a bagger. Each stand now requires only two employees, the basket lifter being eliminated.
When this system was started, patrons continued to lift their loaded baskets off the carts used for self-service in the store and place them in the rack. That caused a delay while the cashier removed the merchandise from the baskets and sorted the rationed from the non-rationed items.
This delay was eliminated by fastening the baskets to the carts so they could not be removed with the top basket hinged so it could be raised to permit easy access to the lower basket.
Officers in charge of commissary stores where Installation of a similar system may save time and staffing and improve service may obtain blueprints and specifications of the sliding racks in use at NCS, Norfolk, by request to the District Supply Officer, Fifth Naval District.
Vol VII No 7 EN9(I)OA 1 April 1944