December 1961 Approach Magazine : The Naval Aviation Safety Review
Our Product is safety, our process is education, and our profit
is measured in the preservation of lives and equipment.
by LT Stanley Kingham
Aviation's future development depends on ground control. - INSTRUMENT FLIGHT IS FOR THE BIRDS
Blind flying by the cat and duck method is highly overrated. - FALLEN ANGEL
What happens when you unfasten that seat belt underwater? - HELP OR HINDER
Accident Investigators can do without most spectators. - THE IMPORTANCE OF VEE EM CEE
How well do you really dig the VMC factors for your aircraft? - THE FUTURE OF NAVAL AVIATION
An answer to the question, "Where Do We Go From Here?" - MAYBE YOU NEED MORE SLEEP
by Robert O'Brien
Only a small loss of sleep may rob you of vital energies. - MIRROR, MIRROR!
A testimonial to the effectiveness of the signal mirror. - TRANSFER AT SEA
Knowledge of emergency procedures is a definite necessity. - HYPERVENTILATION
Would you take off in spite of a glowing O, warning light? - FIRE DIVE
He lived to tell the tale of the value of protective clothing. - RESEARCH IN MAINTENANCE?
Analysis of maintenance can and does prevent accidents.
- Letters
- Development Of USN Aircraft
- Monitor
- Flight Surgeon's Notes
- Anymouse
- Maintenance Notes & Comments
- Headmouse
- Murphy's Law
- Flight Notes
- Clipboard
Art Credits
Page 16, Ken Shutt. Courte Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc.
Back Cover, Robert Trotter. Courtesy Artists Gallery
APPROACH, The Naval Aviation Safety Review Published by the Naval
Aviation Safety Center
RADM W. 0. Burch, Jr., Commander, NASC
CDR D. M. Hanson,
Head Safety Education Dep'f
A. Barrie Young, Jr., Editor
CDR. T. A. Williamson, Jr., Managing Editor
LCDR R. A. Eldridge, Flight Operations Editor
J. T. LeBarron,
Research/Ass't Flight Ops Editor
J. C. Kiriluk, Maintenance/Ass't Managing Editor
Julia Bristow, Aviation Medicine Survival Editor
Robert B. Trotter, Art Director Blake Rader, Illustrator
J. E. Williams, PHC
J. F. Holgate, J03
Contributing Departments, N/
Analysis and Research Maintenance and Material Aero-Medical
Accident Investigation Records
Isn't there something that bothers you about the motto of the National Safety Council?
For years they have been telling us, "The Life You Save May Be Your Own." This seem to presume the existence of a universal selfish attitude. If it is necessary to appeal to the instinct for self-preservation in order to sell safety, then perhaps we are just animals after all. Would it not be a more constructive and positive approach to appeal to the social instinct, consideration and respect for others?
The pilot who has ridden his plane into an open field rather than let it fall into a populated area has demonstrated that "self-preservation" is not always the prevailing drive.
Surely, the same concern for the other man would make the pilot's lookout doctrine a more potent safeguard against mid-air collision. How far more orderly and safe our traffic patterns would be if every pilot were constantly attendant to the problems of others and not just his own. It is not coincidental that the continued safe operation of civilian airlines is directly tied to their paramount goal, the well-being and comfort of passengers.
In the manufacturing and maintenance areas our struggle is one against inertia and boredom. Here, the "self-preservation" idea is of no use to us at
all. We must rely entirely upon the unselfishness of ground personnel. Unfailing attention to inspection and check procedures
by CDR D. M. Hume must be elevated above the me
The Life You Save May Be Someone Else's
nial task level.
What better way can this be done than by repeatedly impressing upon the mechanic the truth that the lives of crews and passengers are daily in his hands?
Indeed, the same could be said about every officer and man associated with an aviation unit. From the paymaster to the mess-cook, from the chaplain to the hospitalman, every one of them contributes to the environment of the organization.
The uniformity and secureness of that environment are essential to the efficient and safe conduct of the flying mission. We must not allow even the least of these men to be lulled into the notion that his job is unimportant or of little consequence.
His niche in the pattern must be described for him. His impact, however slight, upon the success of the mission must be made clear to him. This is one of the keys to improved morale. High morale and safety of flight are inseparable.
This is the positive approach. It is not unlike the United Air Lines philosophy that, "A Job Well Done Is Inherently Safe." This is the kind of thinking which will give vigor and direction to the aviation safety program.
Shall we say 'perform' or 'avoid'? The former connotes action; the latter invites inaction.
So, let's get busy and change the posters. Let's make all hands keenly aware that, The Life They Save May Be Someone Else's. Only then will preservation of self and safety of flight most surely follow.
Purposes and Policies: APPROACH is published monthly by the U.S. Naval Aviation Safety Center and is distributed free to naval aeronautical organizations on the basis of 1 copy per 12 persons.
It presents the most accurate information currently available on the subject of aviation accident prevention.
Contents should not be construed as regulations, orders, or directives. Material extracted from Aircraft Accident Reports .(0pNays 3750-1 and .8750-10), Medical Officer's Reports (OpNav 3750-8) and Anymouse (anonymous) Reports may not be construed as incriminating under Art. 31, UCMJ. Photos: Official Navy or as credited. Non-naval activities are requested to contact NASC prior to reprinting APPROACH material.
Correspondence: Contributions are welcome as are comments and criticisms. Views expressed in guest-written articles are not necessarily those of NASC. Requests for distribution changes should be directed to NASC, NAS Norfolk 11, Va., Att: Safety Education Dep't., if you are receiving the magazine free because of military or commercial contact status with the Navy.
IF YOU ARE A PAID SUBSCRIBER, address all renewals and change of addresses to Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D. C.
Printing: Issuance of this publication approved by the Secretary of the Navy on 15 April 1961.
Subscriptions: Single copy 30 cents; 1-year subscription $3.50; 2 yrs., $7.00; 3 yrs., $10.50; $1.00 additional annually for foreign mailing. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.
Library of Congress Catalog No. 57-60020.