Approach - VORTAC — One More Time - May 1961
APPROACH, Volume 6, Number 11, May 1961
The Naval Aviation Safety Review
Published by U. S. Naval Aviation Safety Center
NAS, Norfolk 11, Va.
On The Cover
Year: 1916 Place: Pensacola Bay Aircraft: Curtiss Flying Boat From these early catapult experiments came the powerful cat shots required for high- performance jets of today.
- Remember How Much Fun Flying Used To Be?
By Cdr. R. P. Brewer, Staff, Post Graduate School, Monterey 4 - Earosion
By Julia Bristow, NASC 6 - Compound Emergency 14
- Panic! 10
- Notes From Your Flight Surgeon 20
- Anymouse 22
- Tacan
By Maj. S. E. Adams, USMC, FMFLant 24 - VORTAC — One More Time
By John Jennings 34 - The Inspector and the Bolts 38
- Tow Tractor Course 40
- Murphy's Law 46
From The Back Cover
This is the 50th anniversary year of U. S. Naval Aviation. And this is the 50th anniversary month. On 8 May 1911 the first naval aircraft was purchased. The first Navy bird was a Curtiss two-place biplane, called the TRIAD and designated A-1, and proudly carried a 50-horsepower pusher, water-cooled engine.
It had side by side dual controls and was used as a trainer. The under-carriage made it amphibious — floats and a tricycle landing gear. That’s right—tricycle gear is older than three-point, at least in the Navy!
But things do change and the safety problems today are a little different. Some old and some new appear in this issue.
Remember How Much Fun Flying Used To Be Page 4
A little nostalgia — a little education
Earosion Pago 6
Noise is still with us — there's just more of it
Tacan Page 24
The straight word on techniques for using tacan and
on the problems that can be encountered
Publication Information
Photo and Art Credits:
Page 11, Grumman Aircraft Corp. Pages 27, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, USAF Page 33, Art Schoeni, Chance Vought Inside Back Cover, Douglas Aircraft Co.
Our Product is safety, our process is education, and our profit
is measured in the preservation of lives and equipment.
Purposes and Policies: APPROACH is published monthly by the U.S. Naval Aviation Safety Center and is distributed to naval aeronautical organizations on the basis of 1 copy per 12 persons. It presents the most accurate information currently available on the subject of aviation accident prevention.
Contents should not be construed as regulations, orders, or directives. Material extracted from Aircraft Accident Reports (OpNays 3750-1 and 3750-10), Medical Officer's Reports (OpNav 3750-8) and Anymouse (anonymous) Reports may not be construed as incriminating under Art. 31, UCMJ. Photos: Official Navy or as credited.
Non-naval activities are requested to contact NASC prior to reprinting APPROACH material.
Correspondence: Contributions are welcome as are comments and criticisms. Views expressed in guest-written articles are not necessarily those of NASC. Requests for distribution changes should be directed to NASC, NAS Norfolk 11, Va., Att: Literature Dep't.
Printing: Printing of this publication approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, 31 Dec 1957.
Subscriptions: Single copy 30 cents; 1-year subscription $3.25:
75 cents additional for foreign mailing. Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.
Library of Congress Catalog No. 67-60020.