Ladies Mourning Hats and Bonnets - 1900-10


Ladies' mourning hats and bonnets, including a crape toque for deep mourning wear, hats made of crape, widow's bonnets, and modish toque, display exquisite styles that maintain somber remembrance during this period of mourning.


No. 5. Excellent Style Is Expressed in This Crape Toque Intended for Deep-Mourning Wear. No. 6. the Popular Flat Effect Is Exemplified in This Hat, Made of Crape Arranged in Soft Folds Over the Shape. No. 7. the Widow’s Bonnet Shown Here Is Both Attractive and Thoroughly Approved. No. 8. This Modish Toque Is Developed From Dull-Finished Soft Silk With Trimmings of the Same Material.

No. 5. Excellent Style Is Expressed in This Crape Toque Intended for Deep-Mourning Wear. No. 6. The Popular Flat Effect Is Exemplified in This Hat, Made of Crape Arranged in Soft Folds Over the Shape. No. 7. The Widow’s Bonnet Shown Here Is Both Attractive and Thoroughly Approved. No. 8. This Modish Toque Is Developed From Dull-Finished Soft Silk With Trimmings of the Same Material. The Delineator, October 1900. GGA Image ID # 217855b725


No. 5.: Crape Toque

The unique design of The Crape Toque for Deep-Mourning Wear is a testament to excellent style. The low crown smoothly arranged crane, and drapery formed over it all contribute to its distinctive look. The rolled brim, covered with the same material in graceful folds, adds a touch of elegance.

The Crape Toque, with its loops of crape wired to a position on the left side and a large rosette, is a versatile piece. It would complement almost every type, making it suitable for a somewhat formal mourning gown or one in a severe tailor style.

Completing the ensemble, a face veil of Brussels net with a narrow border of crape adds a sophisticated touch. This veil, a perfect adjunct to the mode, enhances the mourning attire with finesse, providing the audience with a complete picture of elegance.


No. 6.: Crape Hat

The Popular Flat Effect Is Exemplified in This Hat, Made of Crape Arranged in Soft Folds Over the Shape.

The hat suggests the walking type. The brim flares higher at the left side, where a large rosette of dull-finished black chiffon is placed against the crown. A smaller rosette of sheer textile is adjusted to rest on the hair at the side.

Soft silk without any luster could be used for the rosettes instead of the chiffon, and a dull-jet ornament was added.


No. 7.: Widow’s Bonnet

The Widow's Bonnet Shown Here Is Both Attractive and Thoroughly Approved. It is made of crape disposed in narrow tucks over the frame, which is shaped to a point at the front.

The broad bow of crape adjusted in front constitutes the only trimming, a widow's ruché of white crape or crêpe lisse lending a pleasing note of relief. A long crape veil is pinned to the mode and falls over the back to the waist, and a short veil of the net edged with a border of crape is intended to be worn over the face.


No. 8.: Modish Toque

This modish toque is developed from dull-finished soft silk with trimmings of the Same Material. The silk is draped artistically over the small frame and arranged to give it height on the left side, where a large rosette made of soft material is also disposed of.

The rosette of crape or dull-black chiffon would be equally approved and effective. For formal wear, the entire mode could be copied in crape or chiffon; the soft, flexible plateaux of felt can also be bent into this stylish shape.


Based on the Article "Mourning Hats and Bonnets," in The Delineator: An Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Fashion, Paris-London-New York: The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LVI, No. 4, October 1900, p. 404-505.


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