Receipt for Application For Settlement - Adjusted Service Certificate - 1936

Receipt for Application for Settlement - Adjusted Service Certificate



Receipt is acknowledged of your application for settlement on your Adjusted Service Certificate.

A large number of applications have been received and are being acted upon as rapidly as possible. A considerable period of time must elapse before settlement can be effected.

Any correspondence or the submission of another application will only serve to retard settlement in your case.

Your application will be given attention in its turn.

In all matters having reference to your Adjusted Service Certificate, always give your full name and "A" number.

FRANK T. HINES, Administrator

Adjusted Compensation Form 1703


Application for Payment of Adjusted Service
Certificate under the Adjusted Compensation
Payment Act, 1936 (Pub. L. 425, 74th Cong.)


§11.109  Settlement of unmatured adjusted service certificates.

            Where an application for final settlement of an adjusted service certificate is received in the Department of Veterans Affairs prior to the maturity date of the certificate, payment will be made under the terms of the Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, 1936. This act provides for payment of the amount due on the certificate, after deducting any unpaid loans with interest through September 30, 1931, in adjusted service bonds. These bonds will be issued by the Treasury Department in denominations of $50, in the name of the veteran only, and will bear interest at the rate of 3 percent per annum from June 15, 1936, to June 15, 1945. Any excess amount not sufficient to purchase a $50 bond will be paid by check.


            [19 FR 5087, Aug. 12, 1954]

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