Interim Receipt for Adjusted Service Bonds Surrendered For Payment - 1936

Interim Receipt for Adjusted Service Bonds Surrendered For Payment

Post Office Department

Third Assistant Postmaster General

Interim Receipt for Adjusted Service Bonds Surrendered for Payment

(to be filled out in duplicate)

This receipt must be carefully prepared. Pancil may be used. The original receipt shall be delivered to the registered owner of the bonds and the duplicate shall be retained by the postmaster

Post Office Minneapolis Minn Date Jun 18 1936

Received of (Name of registered owner) Ludvig Gjenvick

(Address) 1025 W Broadway Minneapolis Minn

for payment (Number, by count) 14 Adjusted Service Bonds, described below having a total face value of $ 700

John R. COAN, Postmaster

By Charles M Cutter (Title) Designated Clerk

Post office Dating Stamp US Post Office Mpls MINN No. 9 Jun 18 1936

Serial Numbers of Bonds

  1. 1134562
  2. 1134563
  3. 1134564
  4. 1134565
  5. 1134566
  6. 1134567
  7. 1134568
  8. 1134569
  9. 1134570
  10. 1134571
  11. 1134572
  12. 1134573
  13. 1134574
  14. 1134575

Information for Registered Owner

The postmaster at (Central accounting office) Minneapolis. Minnesota will mail direct to you at the address indicated in your request for payment on the reverse of the bonds a check drawn on the Treasurer of the United States in full payment. This receipt may then be destroyed. If you do not receive the check within a few days, notify the postmaster who receipted for your bonds.

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