Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 October 1918
Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, 20 October 1918. GGA Image ID # 18b2124198
Each issue incorporated The Camp Dix News and Wrightstown Heriald. Published monthly by I. L. Cochrane, Philadelphia with an Editorial Office at Camp Dix, NJ.
The October Issue included articles on Advice for the New Recruit at Camp Dix, and the Spanish Influenza. Photos Included Games Played and Cots Aired During Quarantine, The Mole Tequop Soldiers’ Club, Wrightstown, and more.
- "You'll Like It!" -- Advice for the New Recruit at Camp Dix.
- Trench-Foot, Frost-Bite or Chilblanes -- The Three Conditions Are Practically the Same. Now Is the Time to Guard against This Condition by Dr. H. A. Gartner 323 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
- "Spanish Influenza"
- JUST before the war a leading New York daily had as one of their European correspondents a big typical East Side Irishman, Harrigan —which is not his name, who had lifted himself above the level of the East Side, worked his way through the City College of New York and fought his way up to the top in the hard newspaper game of the metropolis. Harrigan landed in Hamburg one day and went direct from the Bahnhof to one of the popular restauras. He arrived a little early for dinner and the restaurant was practically deserted. Harrigan picked a cheerful table near a window, sit down and ordered as near as could be had an American dinner of the quality and proportions fit for a big hungry Irishman. While waiting for his order the room started to fill up and in came three German army officers, caps on. Chins in air they looked around, one of them twirling the points of his schnurbart (which is Heinie for Prussian lip alfalfa), pointed in Harrigan’s direction, came over to his table and in the take-it-for-granted arrogant air of Prussian officers toward civilians peremptorily ordered Harrigan to “go and sit elsewhere.” Harrigan didn’t take any notice. Bellowed Herr Offizier, “Get out of here, you before I put you out, we want to sit here!” Up jumped Harrigan and straight into the face of the Prussian he sent a volley of all the choicest names and terms in the Hun lingo, which Harrigan can handle perfectly, with the proper artistic emphasis as only a riled Irishman can supply. When Mr. Hun recovered from the surprise attack and Harridan just began to sniff battle, the restaurant proprietor reached the scene and advised the officers, “Better go slow, this man is a foreigner.” Harrigan ate his dinner with relish.
When Harrigan again eats a Hamburger in Hamburg he will probably wonder whether it's the same place. - Captain McDevitt, an Irish captain of Irish boys, said to his company: “Ye spalpeens, ye’re up against the biggest and the hardest day’s work of yer lives. Ye’ve got to meet the Prooshian Guards face to face. What I want to know is will ye fight or will ye run?”
The boys with one voice shouted, “We will!”
The captain answered, “Ye will what?”
Back came the cry that rent the welkin, “We will not!”
“Thank ye, boys!” exclaimed the captain, in a voice trembling with emotion, “I knew ye would!”—Philadelphia Public Ledger.
- Shuttle Races and Relay Races
- Each Battalion During Quarantine Has Its Own Games
- Tents Furled and Bedding Aired During the Quarantine
- Washing Up
- Cots Aired Outside of Barracks During Quarantine
- Wheelbarrow Race
- Retreat
- The Mole Tequop Soldiers’ Club, Wrightstown. Boys, This Is Your Club. A Smoking, Lounging, and Reading Room with Magazines. A Writing Room with Stationery. Parlors to Entertain Your Lady Friends. Pianos. Frequent Dances and Entertainments. A Cafeteria with Eats of Quality at Prices Lower than the Ordinary Restaurant. Rooms to Accommodate Ladies Who Must Stay over Night. Drop in When in Wriglitstown and Be at Home. This Clubhouse Is Entirely for Your Benefit and Is under the Management of the War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities, Mr. Wm. P. Jackson, Local Representative.
- Maud, Going Up! Soldier Attempting to Ride a Horse.
- In The Circus Novelty Race.
- Rookies Just Arrived, Waiting at the Mustering Office.
- Strenuous Games of the Sandstormers: The Diamond Hitch Done in Double-Quick by the Remount Boys. Maj. Gen. Scott and Brig. Gen. Johnston Keenly Interested In the Drills and Exhibitions of Fancy and Rough Riding by the Remount Boys on Pershing Day. See Page 8 for Samples of Fancy Riding, Riding a Bucker, Rescue Race and Double Roping on the Same Day.
- Bayonet Drill Exhibition by an Entire Regiment.
- Friday, the 13th of September, General Pershing’s Birthday—The Day He Cleaned Up the St. Mihiel Salient, Camp Dix Celebrated With a Rousing Circus. Fancy Riding. A Bucker, Whoopee! Roping Two at a Throw. Rescue Race.
- Exhibition of Man-killing “in-fighting.” ’where, [German soldiers], the Yank Can Kill with Bare Hands!
- Officers of the 11th Battalion
- Tent Furled, Ready for Inspection
- Nurses Club at the Base Hospital
- New Red Cross Administration Building
Our new Camp athletic officer and physical training director, Captain B. R. Murphy, came to Camp Dix with a splendid athletic record and with fresh laurels from Camp Lee in Virginia.
Captain Murphy started in Camp Lee last Fall as civilian aide to Major General Cronkhite, commander of the 80th Division. In January he received his commission and was placed in full charge of athletics at Lee. He helped to form many athletic teams, and under his supervision he captured several championship events. He also did good work in building up the physical training program of the 80th Division and the 155th Depot Brigade. An athletic field remains át Lee, largely the result of his efforts.
Captain Murphy will soon have a bunch of friends at Dix, he is that kind. Get in touch with him in Building No. 20, near Camp Headquarters. - NORMAN HACKETT, CAMP DRAMATIC DIRECTOR
Get hep to the Camp Dramatic Director. Yes, he is the same Norman Hackett who for the past twenty- three years has been in big Broadway productions and has produced his own plays. He is now in Camp Dix to help you shoot the blue funks.
If you have any talent or ability on the stage, in the line of vaudeville, minstrels, monologue and sketch writing or reciting, story telling, dancing or an entertaining stunt, get in touch with Mr. Hackett at the Fox cottage, Seventh Street and New York Avenue. If you can do anything that entertains, tickles a smile or makes the other fellow laugh, Mr. Hackett wants you, the whole Camp wants you.
Plans have been made for entertainments at the Hostess Houses, the Y. M. C. A. huts and K. of C. buildings, at the Base Hospital, club houses and barracks. Plays will be staged in nearby cities by Camp talent during the Winter. A number of plays and acts are already being rehearsed.
Mr. Hackett has taken part in such plays as “The Double Producer,” “The Typhoon” and “The Knife.” He has acted in Shakespearian plays with Sothern, Marlowe and James. Mr. Hackett is a University of Michigan graduate and a Theta Delta Chi man. - SEVEN INDIANS IN ONE COMPANY AT DIX, ALL CORPORALS
Front row left to right: Corporal Knorr, Assinaboine Tribe; Corporal Summers, Oneida; Corporal Danforth, Oneida; Corporal Munnell, Chippewa. Back row: Corporal Lambert, Sioux; Corporal Frazier, Sioux, and Corporal Snell, Sioux. These Indian boys come from Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana. They like the Army and the Army likes them, or they wouldn't be corporals. Who said an Indian couldn’t smile? Or fight! - NORMAN A. SMITH REPRESENTING NEW JERSEY FRATERNAL ORDERS
The six leading lodges and fraternal orders of New Jersey are represented in Camp Dix by Mr. Norman A Smith, quartered in the Fox cottage, Seventh Street and New York Avenue.
Mr. Smith's work is mostly in the Base Hospital. If you belong to any order whatsoever, fraternal, beneficial or similar, Mr. Smith is at your service. - Around the Pool Tables, Knights of Columbus Main Building
- Wall Scaling and Charging the Dummies.
- Prize Physical Drill by Three Companies of “Sandstorm” Machine Gunners, Given Before Major General Scott and Brigadier General Johnston.
You may not feel like singing till you catch a glimpse of our new Camp Song Leader, Mr. William Simmons. If Bill suggests “Katy,” why, you just can't help yourself, but sing “K-K-Katy,” thinking all the while of you own beautiful _____ , well, you
sing harder and determine you’ll fight harder and get back to her sooner.
Mr. Simmons is one of the noted baritones whose training was obtained entirely in this country. He has risen entirely on his own merits and has received generous recognition as a concert artist. He has been heard in the Columbus May Festival, singing Valentine in “Faust,” with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the University Glee Club, Schuman Club, Beethoven Society and all prominent New York choruses. The War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities has picked a good man to “whooperup” in Dix. Mr. Simmons is a worker and jes’ a natural leader. - Before and After Pass the Rooky Stage. Note the Soldiers' Step.
- Cleaning Up a Company Street
- Sandstorm Division: Duty Honor Country Human Crest
The “Animated Crest” on the back cover of this issue was posed by 16,000 officers and men of the 34th Division at Camp Cody. While at Cody the 34th Division adopted as their emblem a desert water can, that is, the form of water bottle usually carried when out in the desert—on which are painted the skull bones of a steer often mat with in the desert, a grim reminder of the danger of unpreparedness. The officers and men of the 34th Division use this emblem in the form of a line cut stamped on all their stationery. General Johnston himself took an interest in working out a distinctive color scheme for each regiment and unit in the Division. For instance, one unit may use it with the outline in red, the motto—“Duty, Honor, Country,” in blue, and the skull in gray. Another unit transposes the colors or uses different ones.
The accompanying photo shows the outline of this crest posed on the desert sands at Cody, while the large picture on the back page shows the figure filled in solid, 500 feet deep, including the above number of men. - Back Cover, Duty--Honor--Country 34th Sandstorm Division Human Crest.
Kicking the “Can’t” Out of the [Germans]
ONE OF THE many American “ginger” mottoes” — in fact, the father of efficiency sayings is the time-honored, “Never say can’t.” How often has the “old man” roared that over the table to some subordinate who came back and said, “it can’t be done”? We all know that old friend. We also know some things simply can’t be done, nevertheless. Some of us have the “punch” to get there, while others simply can’t —they lack the ability.
They were born that way. Cook didn’t and Peary did.
Now, we have the super can’t. “Germany can’t be beaten.” Every Junker, every German officer, school teacher, clergyman, lecturer, professor and writer has ding-donged that refrain into Frenzies' ears so long he simply had to believe it, like the poor, simole, kid-like boob that he has proven himself to be.
He got it fastened into his super-childish noodle until it became a fetish—a form of religion. It was not a case of “Paris or bust”—“we can’t be stooped because we are Germans.”
Still, he should not be condemned too severely, as the German war lords certainly put up a fine appearance that made others, not excluding the Czar of Bulgaria, King Constantine and the Sultan, to agree with them. The bluff had a fine fifty- year plate on it that did not seem like a wash or tinsel.
What an awakening! The dream is about over, but millions still believe and so the fight will go on until the master dreamers are kicked over the Rhine and then some further.
Apropos of the German “Can’t.” Willie was born in Brooklyn, but Vader was kittened in Prussia. Vader always came back with the German boast, “The Germans can’t be beaten.” Willie listened, but was always dubious—in fact, quite convinced to the contrary.
One day the newspapers came out with the news of the capture of the St. Mihiel salient. Vader came home from a meeting of the neighboring Saengerbund, and when comfortably settled in his chair, Willie, in pajamas, tiptoed into the room and, putting the daily with the big head lines about the Yankee victory in front of Vader, said: “Dad, the Germans can’t be beaten, can they?” Then Willie beat a strategic retreat behind the Hindenberg line of his mother.
- Climax Plub Tobacco -- The Grad Old Chew
- Wm. Lehmberg Cuff Leggings
- Kauffman & Cowell - Everything Photographic
- The Rexall Store
- J. L. N. Wunderroyle - Cream of Oils for Guns
- Pig'n Whistle Inn - Brown's Mills in-the-Pines, New Jersey
- Jacob Reed's Sons of Philadelphia, Camp Dix Branch: Uniforms and other Military and Civilian Clothing