Red Star Line Fleet List


Brochure Cover, Red Star Line Belgian Royal & United States Mail. Steamships Sailing Every Saturday Between New York and Antwerp, 1886. Created by Peter Wright & Sons, General Agents.

Brochure Cover, Red Star Line Belgian Royal & United States Mail. Steamships Sailing Every Saturday Between New York and Antwerp, 1886. Created by Peter Wright & Sons, General Agents. GGA Image ID # 2050b6b14e


Fleet List of the Red Star Line Showing Ownership, Nationality, Name of Ship, Year Placed in Service, and Gross Tonnage. Gross tonnage equals cubic feet of all enclosed space divided by 100. Notations Regarding the Ship (if any), Such as Previous Name or Renaming, are shown after the Gross Tonnage.




Founded in 1871, the Red Star Line was a joint venture between the International Navigation Company of Philadelphia, which also ran the American Line, and the Société Anonyme de Navigation Belgo-Américaine of Antwerp, Belgium.

  1. Abbotsford (1871) 2,554
  2. Belgenland (1878) 3,692
  3. Belgenland (1917) 27,132
  4. Finland (1902) 12,188
  5. Friesland (1889) 6,409
  6. Gothland (1893) 7,669
  7. Kenilworth (1872) 2,595
  8. Kroonland (1902) 12,760
  9. Lapland (1908) 18,565
  10. Nederland (1873) 2,950
  11. Noordland (1804) 5,129
  12. Pennland (1870) 3,760
  13. Pennland (1922) 16,322
  14. Poland (1898) 8,282
  15. Rhynland (1879) 3,689
  16. Russland (1873) 2,595
  17. Samland (1903) 9,748
  18. Switzerland (1874) 2,957
  19. Vaderland (1873) 2,748
  20. Vaderland (1900) 11,899
  21. Wacsland (1867) 4,752
  22. Westernland (1884) 5,736
  23. Westernland (1918) 16,289
  24. Zeeland (1865) 2,866
  25. Zeeland (1901) 11,905


Smith, Eugene W., Passenger Ships of the World: Past and Present, Boston: George H. Dean Company, 1963.


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