Ocean Liner Archival Collections - "AB" Ships


Immigrant Ship Ephemera


Some of the most prized collectibles are ephemeral memorabilia produced on or for each voyage or ship. They include passenger lists, brochures, tickets and voyage contracts, luggage tags, postcards, sports and entertainment programs, track charts, deck plans, menus, onboard newspapers, magazines, books, voyage log extracts, passenger letters, ship letterhead, cap tallies, photographs, illustrations, logos, and more.

While the GG Archives has an extensive collection of these paper memorabilia or ephemera, the number of digitized items varies greatly by ship. Some we have extensive holdings, while others, we may have only one or two choice pieces. Take a different look at history through the often graphically exquisite ephemera for the ships of your ancestors.


Quick Links to Archival Collections (Based on First Letter of the Ships' Name)

"A" Ships | "B" Ships | "C" Ships | "D" Ships | "E" Ships | "F" Ships | "G" Ships | "H" Ships | "I" Ships | "K" Ships | "L" Ships | "M" Ships | "N" Ships | "O" Ships | "P" Ships | "Q" Ships | "R" Ships | "S" Ships | "T" Ships | "U" Ships | "V" Ships | "W" Ships | "Y" Ships | "Z" Ships



Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Brazil (Brazil Line), from 20 September 1913 to 20 May 1914.

SS Aachen Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Aachen may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front of Steerage Passage Contract from 1854, Le Havre to New York

SS Admiral Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Admiral available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, White Star Line SS Adriatic Cabin Class Passenger List - 22 August 1931.

RMS Adriatic Archival Collection

Adriatic (1906) White Star Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Sailing Schedules; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Other Ephemera; Books; Advertisements; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; Article: Adriatic Successfully Launched - 1906; Article: The Ship of the Year: The RMS Adriatic - 1907.


Front Cover, Passenger Manifest, RMS Andania, Cunard Line, May 1925

RMS Alaunia Archival Collection

Alaunia (1913) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Alaunia (1925) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Passage Rates; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Sailing Schedules; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Books Referencing the RMS Alaunia; New Cunard Liner RMS Alaunia Launched - 1925; The Remarkable Cunard Liner Alaunia - 1925.


The Cunard-Anchor Line RMS Albania. Length: 540 Feet; Tonnage: 13,000.

SS Albania Archival Collection

Albania (1900) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Albania (1920) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Brochures; Sailing Schedules; Fleet List; Photographs; Books.


Passenger Manifest, SS Albert Ballin, Hamburg America Line, August 1926

SS Albert Ballin Archival Collection

Albert Ballin (1923) Hamburg-American Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Sailing Schedules; Photographs; Autographs; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Books; Provisioning the SS Albert Ballin - 1925; Hamburg-American Liner Albert Ballin Launched - 1922.


Guide to the RMS Albertic Pubic Rooms in the Cabin Class, 1929.

RMS Albertic Archival Collection

Albertic (1923) White Star Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Menus; Programs; Sailing Schedules; Guides; Deck Plans; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Advertisements; Title Pages; Senior Officers and Staff; Stationery; Books; Wireless Technology; Other Ephemera; Photographs; Excerpts from Information for Passengers.


Front Cover, Fabre Line SS Alesia Cabin Class Passenger List - 19 June 1930.

SS Alesia Archival Collection

Alesia (1882) Fabre Line Ship's History (Brief); Alesia (1906) Fabre Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Passenger Inscriptions; The One Class Ships like the SS Alesia - 1906.


Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List from the SS Aller of the North German Lloyd, Departing 16 January 1901 from Genoa to New York via Naples and Gibraltar.

SS Aller Archival Collection

Aller (1886) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief), Passenger Lists, Brochures, Senior Officers and Staff, Back Cover Images, Books Referencing the SS Aller.


Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the SS America of the United States Lines, Departing 8 September 1930 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg and Cobh (Queenstown), Commanded by Captain George Fried, U.S.N.R.

SS America Archival Collection

America (1905) United States Lines Ship's History (Brief); SS America II (1940) - United States Lines Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Menus; Sailing Schedules; Fleet List; Taxi Rates; Time at Sea; Officers Sleeve Stripes; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Back Cover Images; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Photographs; Books.


SS American Banker Dinner Bill of Fare 25 June 1932

SS American Banker Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS American Banker available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Cover - American Merchant Lines New York to London - The Economical Way to Europe. Published November 1932

SS American Farmer Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS American Farmer available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Belfast-New York and New York-Cobh-Liverpool, 10 October 1936 to 15 November 1937.

SS American Importer Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS American Importer may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


1928-08-23 Passenger Manifest for the SS American Merchant

SS American Merchant Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS American Merchant available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


1929-05-17 Passenger Manifest for the SS American Shipper

SS American Shipper Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS American Shipper available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


1929-04-18 Passenger Manifest for the SS American Trader

SS American Trader Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS American Trader available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Steerage Prepaid Passage Contract, German Immigrant Family, 20 November 1907

SS Amerika Archival Collection

Amerika (1905) Hamburg-American Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Passage Contracts, Tickets, and Receipts; Books; Sailing Schedules; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; The SS Amerika - 1905.


Passenger Manifest, Anchor Line, 1903, Glasgow to New York

SS Anchoria Archival Collection

SS Anchoria Archival Collection includes Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Title Pages, Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Sailing Schedules; Passage Rates; Books Referencing the SS Anchoria.


Menu Cover, Dinner Menu, Cunard Line RMS Andania - 1924

RMS Andania Archival Collection

Andania (1913) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Andania (1922) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Menus; Title Pages; Sailing Schedules; Back Cover Images; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Passage Rates; Other Ephemera; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; Books; The Sinking of the SS Andania, 1918; New Cunarder Successfully Launched - 1921; The Andania Public Rooms Architecture - 1922.


Passenger List Yeoward Line SS Andorinha - 1924

SS Andorinha Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Andorinha available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, Cunard Line RMS Antonia Cabin and Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 12 June 1931.

RMS Antonia Archival Collection

Content Links Antonia (1921) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief), Passenger Lists, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, and Books Referencing the RMS Antonia.


Sailing Schedule, Vancouver-Victoria-Honolulu-Suva-Fiji-Auckland-Sydney, from 9 March 1927 to 17 Septmeber 1927.

RMMS Aorangi Archival Collection

Ephemera for the RMMS Aorangi may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, RMS Aquitania Passenger List - 11 July 1914

RMS Aquitania Archival Collection

Aquitania (1914) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); RMS "Aquitania" – "The Ship Beautiful" - 1923; Special Facilities & Features for Saloon Passengers - 1924; Passenger Lists; Brochures; Deck Plans; Menus; Programs; Postcards; Title Pages; Embarkation/Debarkation Notices; Sailing Schedules; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Passage Rates; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Wireless Technology;

Other Ephemera; Time at Sea; Illustrations and Paintings; Photographs; Advertisements; Books; Fleet List; Lights and Distances; Speed Records; Autographs; Back Cover Images; Launching of the Cunard RMS Aquitania - 1913.


Front Cover, Red Star Line SS Arabic Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 16 August 1929.

SS Arabic Archival Collection

Arabic (1903) White Star Line Ship History (Brief); Arabic (1908) White Star Line Ship History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Sailing Schedules; Photographs; Other Ephemera; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Services; Advertisements.


Card and Smoking Room, SS Araguaya of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (RMSP) circa 1907.

SS Araguaya Archival Collection

SS Araguaya Archival Collection includes Ship's History (Brief), Photos, Passenger Lists, Books Referencing the SS Araguaya.


Receipt for Steerage Passage - Great Western Railway 1912

SS Arawa Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Arawa available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover of a First and Second Class Passenger List from the RMS Armadale Castle of the Union-Castle Line, Departing 12 November 1920 from Southampton to Natal via Madeira, Cape Town, Algoa Bay and East London

RMS Armadale Castle Archival Collection

Ephemera for the RMS Armadale Castle available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Steamship Ticket  Record (1904) Union-Castle Line

RMS Arundel Castle Archival Collection

Arundel Castle (1894) (a) Castle Line, (b) Union-Castle Line Ship's History (Brief); Arundel Castle (1921) Union-Castle Line Ship's History (Brief); Passage Contracts, Tickets, and Receipts; The Arundel Castle of the Union-Castle Line - 1921.


RMS Ascania of the Cunard Line

RMS Ascania Archival Collection

Ascania (1911) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief), Ascania (1925) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief), Passenger Lists, Brochures, Menus, Passage Rates, Sailing Schedules Services, Photographs, Excerpts from Information for Passengers, Books Referencing the RMS Ascania.


26 August 1922 RMS Assyria

SS Assyria Archival Collections

Ephemera for the SS Assyria available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, Second Saloon and Third Class on Anchor Line U.S. Mail Steamers.

SS Astoria Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Astoria available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


1935-06-01 Passenger Manifest for the SS Asturias

RMS Asturias Archival Collection

Ephemera for the RMS Asturias available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


S. S. LETITIA	and S. S. ATHENIA, Both 13,500 Tons

SS Athenia Archival Collection

Athenia (1923) Donaldson Atlantic Line, Ltd. Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Menus; Sailing Schedules; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; Back Cover Images.


Front Cover, 1907 White Star Line Brochure Covering Their Fleet, History, Accommodations, and Services.

SS Athenic Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Athenic available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


The SS Atlantic of the Home Lines circa 1948.

SS Atlantic Archival Collection

Atlantic (1927) Home Lines Ship's History (Brief); Introduction; Passenger Lists; Sailing Schedules; Other Ephemera; Postcards; Back Cover Images.


Passenger Manifest, Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Auguste Victoria, 1897

SS Auguste Victoria Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Auguste Victoria available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, Cunard Line RMS Aurania Cabin and Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 20 June 1930.

RMS Aurania Archival Collection

Aurania (1883) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Aurania (1915) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Aurania (1924) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Menus; Sailing Schedules; Postcards; Autographs; Postcards; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Baggage Contracts and Receipts; Back Cover Images; Books.


Front Cover, Cunard Line RMS Ausonia Cabin Class Passenger List - 20 September 1930.

SS Ausonia Archival Collection

Ausonia (1909) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Ausonia (1921) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Sailing Schedules; Services; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Passage Rates; Customs Notice to Passengers; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; Illustrations and Paintings; Postcards; Title Pages; Wireless Technology; Lights and Distances; Speed Records; Time at Sea; U.S. Head Tax; Back Cover Images; Books.


Back Cover for a Saloon Class Passenger List for the SS City of Rome of the Anchor Line Dated 23 August 1884.

SS Austral Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Austral available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, Yeoward Line SS Avoceta Tourist Passenger List - 18 April 1936.

SS Avoceta Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Avoceta available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


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The T.S.S. Balmoral Castle of the Union Castle Line, 1910. Photo by Maclure, Macdonald & Co., Glasgow.

TSS Balmoral Castle Archival Collection

Ephemera for the TSS Balmoral Castle may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, White Star Line RMS Baltic Cabin Class Passenger List - 31 July 1931.

RMS Baltic Archival Collection

Baltic (1904) White Star Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Sailing Schedules; Guides; Title Pages; Photographs; Books Referencing the RMS Baltic; Advertisements; Article: The New White Star Liner Baltic - 1904.


Colorized Postcard of the SS Barbarossa of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, 1896.

SS Barbarossa Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Barbarossa may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


1907-06-01 Passenger Manifest for the SS Batavia

SS Batavia Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Batavia available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover of 1924 Brochure The SS Belgenland of the Red Star Line.

SS Belgenland Archival Collection

Belgenland (1917) Red Star Line Ship History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Passage Rates; Advertisements; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; Books; New Triple Screw SS Belgenland - 1923.


Sailing Schedule, Hamburg-New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, Plymouth, Southampton, and Cherbourg, from 7 October 1900 to 19 January 1901.

SS Belgravia Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Belgravia may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Front Cover, RMS Berengaria Dinner Menu - 16 August 1930

RMS Berengaria Archival Collection

Berengaria (1912) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); RMS Berengaria Public Rooms; Passenger Lists; Brochures; Programs; Menus; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Books; Photographs; Sailing Schedules; Advertisements; Other Ephemera.


1915-08-18 Passenger Manifest for the SS Bergensfjord

SS Bergensfjord Archival Collection

Bergensfjord (1913) Norwegian-American Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Menus; Sailing Schedules; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Deck Plans; Photographs; Illustrations and Paintings; Title Pages; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Passenger Inscriptions; Stationery; Books.


Front Cover of a Cabin, Tourist, and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Berlin of the North German Lloyd, Departing 31 August 1937 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Galway and Halifax

SS Berlin Archival Collection

Berlin (1868) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief); Berlin (1875) American Line Ship's History (Brief); Berlin (1908) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief); Berlin (1925) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Menus; Immigrant Documents; Sailing Schedules; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Photographs; Books Referencing the SS Berlin; New SS Berlin Enters New York-Bremen Service - 1925.


First Class Dining Room on the SS Blücher.

SS Blücher Archival Collection

Blücher (1901) Hamburg-American Line Ship History (Brief); SS Blücher Specifications; Brochures; Photographs; Sailing Schedules; Advertisements; At the "Bottom of the World" - 1910.


1904-08-06 Passenger Manifest for the SS Bohemian

SS Bohemian Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Bohemian available may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Back Cover for a Saloon Class Passenger List for the SS City of Rome of the Anchor Line Dated 23 August 1884.

SS Bolivia Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Bolivia may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Brazil and Bremen-La Plata, from 30 March 1907 to 4 June 1907.

SS Bonn Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Bonn may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Brazil and Bremen-La Plata, from 20 October 1906 to 12 March 1907.

SS Borkum Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Borkum may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


1910-11-03 Passenger Manifest for the SS Brandenburg

SS Brandenburg Archival Collection

Brandenburg (1901) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief), Passenger Lists, Sailing Schedules, Back Cover Images, Title Pages, Senior Officers and Staff, Books Referencing the SS Brandenburg.


Front Cover, Matinee Concert Program on Board the SS Bremen, Sunday, 17 August 1930.

SS Bremen Archival Collection

SS Bremen (1896) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief); SS Bremen (1900) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief); SS Bremen (1929) North German Lloyd Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Passage Contracts and Tickets; Menus; Programs; Sailing Schedules; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Advertisements; Other Ephemera; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Photographs; Books.


RMS Britannia, the Pioneer of the Cunard Fleet, Built in 1840.

SS Britannia Archival Collection

Britannia (1840) Cunard Line Ship's History (Brief); Britannia (1863) Anchor Line Ship's History (Brief); Britannia (1881) Fabre Line Ship's History (Brief); Britannia (1887) P. & O. Line Ship's History (Brief); Britannia (1926) Anchor Line Ship's History (Brief); Brochures; Photographs; Books.


Cover of 1933 Passenger List for the RMS Britannic of the White Star Line.

RMS Britannic Archival Collection

Britannic (1874) White Star Line Ship's History (Brief); Britannic (1930) White Star Line Ship's History (Brief); Passenger Lists; Brochures; Passage Contracts, Tickets, and Receipts; Route Maps, Track Charts, Abstract of Logs; Sailing Schedules; Photographs; Books; Advertisements; Excerpts from Information for Passengers; Other Ephemera; Article: Disipline on the SS Britannic - 1889.


Sailing Schedule, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Genoa and Genoa-Naples-New York, from 30 April 1909 to 4 November 1909.

SS Bulgaria Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Bulgaria may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


Sailing Schedule, Breman-Hamburg-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Southampton-Gibraltar-Genoa, from 28 March 1907 to 8 January 1908.

SS Bülow Archival Collection

Ephemera for the SS Bulow may include Passenger Lists, Menus, Brochures, Sailing Schedules, Route Maps, Photographs, and more.


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Ephemera contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenirs provided to the passengers of each voyage. Many of these souvenir ephemeral items have disappeared over the years.

Our selection varies considerably by ship, and likely contains only a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines.

Bookmark pages you're researching and check back periodically for additions as we continue to digitize our extensive ephemera materials.


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