Officers of the Fourth Infantry Company - 3rd OTC - 1918

3rd OTC Fourth Company Officers at Camp Deven.

3rd OTC Fourth Company Officers at Camp Deven. Left to Right: Captain Charles Kennon Clarke; First Lieutenant Allen Gail Steingardt; Captain John Cook Shaw, Jr.; and, Second Lieutenant Kendall Ainsworth Sanderson. GGA Image ID # 13ad3baab1

Brief biographies of the Fourth Infantry Company Command Training Officers of the Third Officers Training Camp at Camp Devens. Biographies contain the necessary information, including birth, marital status, education, military resumé, assignments, and photographs.


CAPTAIN CHARLES KENNON CLARKE, Commanding Company. Born at Patterson, N. J., February 27, 1893. Unmarried. Virginia Military Institute B.S., 1913. Was a civil and construction engineer with the Turner Construction Company.

Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Infantry Reserve Corps, April 18, 1917. Attended First Plattsburg Camp and was commissioned Captain, Infantry R. C., August 15, 1917. At Second Plattsburg Camp was instructor, commanding the 8th Company.

His grandfather, Col. J. D. Clarke, was Colonel of Engineers in the Confederacy, serving with Longstreet, and later on the staff of General Lee.

CAPTAIN JOHN COOK SHAW, JR., Assistant Instructor. Born at New Bedford, Mass., September 1, 1889. Married. Attended St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Noble and Greenough, Boston, Mass., one year at Harvard.

Was cotton salesman with Stephen M. Weld and Company of Boston, and agent at the New Bedford office of this firm. Attended the Business Men's Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., in May, 1916.

Was commissioned Captain Inf. R. C. at the end of the First Plattsburg Camp. Instructor with the 4th Company at the Second Plattsburg Camp.

FIRST LIEUTENANT ALLEN GAIL STEINGARDT, Assistant Instructor. Born at Chicago, Ill., March 4, 1884. Married. Attended Chicago public schools. Two enlistments in regular army, first in the 1st Infantry 1905-1908, in which he spent two and one-half years in the Philippines.

Second enlistment July 2, 1914, with the 5th Infantry in the Canal Zone. Was transferred to the 33rd Infantry September 11, 1916, as 1st Sergeant. Commissioned temporary 2nd Lieutenant July 9, 1917.

Promoted to 1st Lieutenant August 22, 1917. Is from fighting stock, his father and three uncles having fought in the Civil War.

SECOND LIEUTENANT KENDALL AINSWORTH SANDERSON, Executive Officer. Born at Lynn, Mass., December 23, 1890. Married. Attended Phillips Exeter Academy; Wesleyan A.B. 1914; Harvard LL.B. 1917.

With the office of Bates, Nay, Abbott and Dane, Attorneys at Law, Boston, Mass. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Inf. R. C. at First Plattsburg Camp, August 15, 1917.

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WWI Training Camps

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Third Officers Training Camp - Camp Devens 1918

1st Battery - FA

1st Company - Infantry

2nd Company - Infantry

3rd Company - Infantry

4th Company - Infantry

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