Competitive Flags at Navy Boot Camp

Competitive Flags at Navy Boot Camp

The flags carried by the companies are earned by them In competition with other recruit companies In all phases of recruit training. In addition to the privilege of carrying these flags with the company, the winning of them enables the company to obtain extra liberties.

The competition for most of these flags Is on a weekly basis with the winning company carrying the flag the following week. The five areas of training represented in the competition are military drill, cleanliness, citizenship, scholarship, and athletics.

Each company carries a blue flag with its company number in white numerals. All other flags are won In competition.



THE HALL OF FAME FLAG is the supreme award that a recruit company may win. It is awarded to that company within the brigade which by earning the requisite number of the following flags, and by maintaining consistently high standards as prescribed by the command, satisfies the requirements for entrance into the Recruit Training Command Hall of Fame.

A trophy accompanies this rarely-achieved flag; and the company is enshrined in the Recruit Training Command Hall of Fame. To receive this flag a company must have won the Color Company Flag and three “E” Flags, five Drill Flags, five Star Flags, five “S” Flags, one “A” Flag, plus a combination of any four additional flags.



COLOR COMPANY FLAG is awarded to the company attaining the highest overall average among the group of companies with which it will graduate. The company that wins the distinction of being Color Company at its graduation will "Post the Colors" at the Graduation Review.

This flag is given at every graduation to the recruit company maintaining the highest overall average of efficiency in all aspects of training.



“A” FLAG—Athletic superiority in team and individual events is recognized by the weekly presentation of an “A" Flag to the company within each battalion which achieves the most points.

THE "A" FLAG is awarded each week to the Recruit Company within each battalion compiling the most points in those athletic events specified by the command.

Star Flags are awarded weekly in the field of cleanliness as determined by barracks, locker, and personnel inspections conducted by a staff unit known as “Brigade Inspectors.” The Battalion Star Flag (right) is for the winning company in each battalion; the Regimental Star Flag (center) for the winning company among Battalion Star Flag winners; and the Brigade Star Flag (left) for the company in recruit training compiling the highest overall average.

THE BRIGADE STAR FLAG is awarded each week to the recruit company compiling the highest average in the field of cleanliness, as determined by competitive barracks, locker, and personnel inspections.

THE REGIMENTAL STAR FLAG is awarded each week to the Battalion Star Flag winner in each regiment compiling the highest average in the field of cleanliness, as determined by competitive barracks, locker, and personnel inspections.



Teamwork by recruits is rewarded weekly with Drill Flags for proficiency in close order drill. The Battalion Drill Flag (center) is won by the company in each battalion compiling the highest average in competition; the Regimental Drill Flag (left) by the company scoring highest in competition among Battalion Flag winners; and the Brigade Drill Flag (right) by the company in recruit training demonstrating the greatest proficiency.

THE BATTALION DRILL FLAG is awarded each week to the recruit company within each battalion compiling the highest average in a drill competition based on military drill, manual of arms, and physical drill under arms.

THE REGIMENTAL DRILL FLAG is awarded weekly to the Battalion Drill Flag winner in each active regiment compiling the highest average in a drill competition conducted among the Battalion Drill Flag winners within that competitive grouping.

THE BRIGADE DRILL FLAG is awarded weekly to the company in recruit training demonstrating the greatest proficiency in close order drill.



“E” FLAGS—“E” Flags (also known as “Efficiency Flags" or “Rooster Flags") are the symbols for overall excellence in a given week of training. Each company in a battalion has the opportunity of winning the weekly Battalion “E” Flag (left); the company with the highest score in a regiment also wins the Regimental Efficiency Flag (center); and the company with the highest score in recruit training wins the Brigade “Rooster” Flag (right).

THE BRIGADE EFFICIENCY FLAG is awarded weekly to the company with the highest overall excellence in recruit training.

THE BATTALION EFFICIENCY FLAG is awarded weekly to the battalion which compiles the highest overall average in all branches of competition.

THE REGIMENTAL EFFICIENCY FLAG is awarded weekly to a company within the regiment with the highest average in all phases of recruit training.



"S" FLAGS—The Battalion “S" Flag (Left) is awarded weekly to the company in each battalion scoring the highest on scholastic examinations. The Regimental "S” Flag (center) is won by the company which excels all other companies in each regiment. The Brigade “S” Flag (right) goes to the recruit company with the highest score among all the companies in training.


The "I” Flag Is awarded to the company within each regiment which demonstrates the highest scholastic ability in each week’s course of instruction.

This flag to a large extent indicates the degree of concentration which each recruit has given his weekly instructions in the present training program. Tests are conducted each week on the basis of what the recruit has learned in the preceding week, and what he has assimilated in all previous instructions.

On receiving these tests the recruits find that the questions asked are neither vague, nor abstract, but are in fact directly concerned with what the recruit has come in contact with in his Navy training.

THE BRIGADE "I" FLAG is awarded each week to the recruit company within the command compiling the highest academic average on the scheduled weekly examination.

THE BATTALION "I" FLAG is awarded each week to the recruit company within each active battalion compiling the highest academic average on the scheduled weekly examination.


You can see, therefore, that all phases of the recruit's development are covered by this award program: drill, cleanliness, citizenship, scholarship, and athletics. A man proficient in these five areas is a definite asset to both the Navy and his country throughout his entire enlistment.

Such awards are not only the beginning of self confidence and military co-operation, but are in the largest sense indicative of the entire spirit and principle of the United States Navy.

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