SS Estonia Archival Collection


SS Estonia of the Baltic American Line Shown as the SS Czar (1912).

SS Estonia of the Baltic American Line Shown as the SS Czar (1912). GGA Image ID # 1dde1c7035



Estonia (1912) Baltic American Line (Danish)

Sailed as the SS Estonia from 1921 to 1930

Built by Barclay, Curie & Co., Glasgow, Scotland. Tonnage: 6,516. Dimensions: 425' x 53'. Twin-screw, 16 knots. Quadruple expansion engines. Two masts and two funnels. First Libau-New York sailing, in February 1921. Services: Libau-Danzig-Boston-New York Route. Accommodations: Estonia was reconditioned and outfitted with accommodations for 290 cabin-class and 500 third-class passengers in February 1925. Accommodations were altered again in March 1926 to 110 cabin-class, 180 tourist-class, and 500 third-class passengers. Last Voyage: 31 January 1930, sailing from Danzig to Copenhagen, Halifax, and New York (for the Baltic American Line). Ownership Change: Vessel sold to Polish Transatlantic Shipping Company (Gdynia-America Shipping Line) in 1930. Renamed: (a) Pulaski (1930), (b) Empire Penryn (1946). Fate: Broken up by British shipbreakers in 1949. Previously Named: Czar (1912-1921).


Post WW1 History of the SS Estonia - 1930

The SS Estonia, previously named the SS Czar (Russian American Line), was built in 1912. She was acquired after World War I by the Baltic American Line and offered accommodations for First Class, Cabin, Tourist, and Third Class passengers between the ports of New York, Hamburg, Danzig, and Halifax.

SS Estonia's first voyage to New York was from Glasgow on 11 January 1921. She sailed for the last time under that name on 13 March 1930 from Danzig to New York.


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Baltic America Line 1912 Brochure

Baltic America Line Fleet and Services - 1920

The American Tourist seeking rest, recreation, study or new business connections in Europe can therefore not find a more opportune time to go than during next summer, using all the exceptional facilities offered by the "Baltic America Line." Ships Featured: Estonia, Latvia, Lituania, and Polonia.


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Front Cover and Spine, Passenger Ships of the World, Past and Present by Eugene W. Smith, 1963.

Passenger Ships of the World - 1963

Passenger Ships of the World, 1963, represents an incredible resource covering passenger ships that are Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Pacific via Panama Canal, Latin American, Africa and the Eastern Oceans, and California-Hawaii.


Front Cover and Spine Plus, The Atlantic Liners 1925-70 by Frederick Earl Emmons, 1972.

The Atlantic Liners 1925-1970

THE ATLANTIC LINERS will be cherished by all the millions of Americans who love the sea. Frederick Emmons sketches the histories of every ocean liner that sailed between the United States and Europe between 1925 and 1970.


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