Camp Dix - World War 1 Cantonment – A.E.F. Training Center 1918

Like every model city, Camp Dix must have running water in every building, a perfect sewerage system, an up-to-date hospital, telephones, electric lights, heating arrangements — in short, every municipal necessity and convenience.

Camp Dix Art Centre - 1918

The Camp Dix Art Centre.

Here David Robinson and Howard Heath, two artists prominent in New York art circles, are painting a real map of Europe. This so-called Hut is made charming by well-balanced interior decorations—as someone said, "It is a barn deluxe."


The Camp Dix Bakery

The Three Giant Ovens That Bake the Bread for Camp Dix.

The ordinary camp bakery, such as that of Camp Dix, can supply bread for sixty thousand men. One pound a day is the usual ration; the bread is made in two-pound loaves.


Building Camp Dix - 1917

A photographic exhibit documenting the monumental tasks involved in building a World War 1 Army cantonment during 1917 near Wrightstown, New Jersey, a borough in Burlington County.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - November 1917

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 1, November 1917.

The first Issue of the Camp Dix Pictorial Review: A Picture History of a National Army Cantonment, Wrightstown, New Jersey, November 1917 documents the building of Camp Dix along with its famous builders, Artillery Companies, and Officers.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 February 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 2, 20 February 1918.

The second issue of the Camp Dix Pictorial Review for 20 February 1918 covers tanks, officers with brief biographies, life at camp, group photos of many units at the camp, poems, and more.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 March 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 3, 20 March 1918.

The March 1918 Issue includes various buildings in Camp Dix, African-American soldiers, a pictorial on teaching soldiers to drive a tank, along with photos of some of the infantry and engineering groups, boxing lessons, razor ads, and more.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 April 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 4, 20 April 1918.

The April 1918 Issue reviews two books, describes a model recreation room, and includes photographs showing Camp Dix, Browning Machine Gun in Action, Muledrawn Ambulance Team, Base Hospital Scenes, and more.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 May 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 5, 20 May 1918.

The May 1918 Issue included an editorial on German Democracy, a review of a play, "The Beast of Berlin," and a Biography of Brigadier General James H. McRae. Photographs included Scenes of Camp Dix, Fire Houses, Remount Depot, and more.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 June 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 6, 20 June 1918.

The June 1918 Issue provided a list with a photograph of a typical soldier's overseas equipment. Other articles include Getting Money Over There and Damaged Parcel Post. Photos Included many of the companies at Camp Dix, Hostess House, and more.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 July 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 6, 20 June 1918. I Am Going to Vote -- Not Goosestep.

The July 1918 Issue included articles on the Mastication and Coal, Banking Services "Over There," Photos Included scenes around Camp Dix, Camp Dix Baseball Team, Major General Sturgis, Commander, and Officers, 87th Division, and more.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review - 20 October 1918

Front Cover, Camp Dix Pictorial Review, Volume 1, Number 10, 20 October 1918.

The October 1918 Issue included articles on Advice for the New Recruit at Camp Dix, and the Spanish Influenza. Photos Included Games Played and Cots Aired During Quarantine, The Mole Tequop Soldiers' Club, Wrightstown, and more.


Character Building By Uncle Sam at Camp Dix - 1918

Front Cover of Character Building by Uncle Sam: The Remaking of Four Million Men. Fun, Exercise, and Educaton of the National Army in War Times as Seen in Camp Dix

A glimpse into the making of a World War 1 era soldier - this story takes place near Wrightstown, New Jersey at the new Army training facility called Camp Dix. This tabloid size paper was produced during 1918.


Eat, Drink and Be Merry at Camp Dix - 1917

Camp Dix Barracks Kitchen.

When the new army cooks at Camp Dix finish with a soup bone, there will not be enough of it left to make good bone buttons. The best cooking and no waste will be the watchword.


The Camp Dix Fire Department

The Camp Dix Fire Department.

The military city is collected in such a small area, the chances of a general conflagration are not unlikely. A fire department, an adjunct to the quartermaster corps, is stationed at the camp to offset this menace.


The Camp Dix Hostess House

The Camp Dix Hostess House.

As soon as the soldier can leave his quarters, he goes directly to the Hostess House, thus avoiding the loss of time that would ordinarily occur if the rendezvous were not more definitely agreed upon.


Camp Dix Knights of Columbus Recreation Hall

The Camp Dix Knights of Columbus Recreation Hall Where the Sign States "Everybody Welcome."

Contrary to current opinion, the K. of C. houses are not merely for Catholics or members of the Councils. The words "Everybody Welcome," which appear on each of the huts, means precisely what they say.


The Camp Dix Liberty Theatre

The Camp Dix Liberty Theatre.

Now the men at Camp Dix can go to the Liberty Theatre seven nights a week, with matinees Saturday and Sunday, and see the first-class production for ten, twenty-five, or fifty cents.


The Camp Dix Library

Interior View of the Camp Dix Library.

The Camp Dix Library is completely equipped. Thousands of books accumulated through the book campaigns, or bought by the Association, are at the soldier's disposal.


The Camp Dix Medical Corps

Scenes from the Camp Dix Base Hospital, 1918.

The Hospital work is probably more varied than any other activity in the camp, as it includes everything from pulling teeth to autopsies—with almost everything else in between.


Camp Dix Pictorial Review Ads - 1917-1918

Ad - Lit Brothers

The publisher guarantees every merchant advertising in the columns of this publication to be a reputable concern, one who does not overcharge, and all goods are as represented.


The Camp Dix Post Exchange

Scene at a Camp Dix Post Exchange.

It is an old axiom that the soldier spends his money freely. He surely earns his pay, and if he has no one dependent upon him, it is only natural that he obtains from it the greatest possible comfort.


Camp Dix Telephone Service

The Switchboard at Camp Dix.

It will probably be attractive to the readers of this paper to know something about the development of the telephone at the Camp from an operating standpoint.


The YMCA Hut at Camp Dix

THE YMCA THE "Red Triangle" of the YMCA has become a byword in America since the first draft men were called to the colors. Before that time, the Association's activities among the soldiers were little known or appreciated outside of military circles.


"Your Uniform Is Your Pass" - Off-Hours at Camp Dix - 1918

Officer's Ball in the Main Bulding at Camp Dix.

There is one impulse that has been experienced by every soldier who has ever been in Camp Dix or any other camp—that is the desire to get out of camp, away from discipline drills, and the monotony of barracks, khaki, and dust.


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