Letter from General Foch to Floyd Gibbons - 1918

English Translation of Letter from Marshal Foch to Floyd Gibbon Dated 28 July 1918.

English Translation of Letter from Marshal Foch to Floyd Gibbon Dated 28 July 1918. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 184b0ce58a

Personal letter to Floyd Gibbons from General F. Foch

Commandement en Chef des Armées Allies
G. Q. G. A. le July 28,1918.
Le Général


I understand that you are going to the United States to give lectures on what you have seen on the French front.

No one is more qualified than you to do this, after your brilliant conduct in the Bois de Belleau.

The American Army has proved itself to be magnificent in spirit, in gallantry and in vigor; it has contributed largely to our successes. If you can thus be the echo of my opinion I am sure you will serve a good purpose.

Very sincerely yours,

(Signed) F. Foch.

To: Monsieur Floyd Gibbons,
War Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune.


Letter, in French, dated 28 July 1918 from General Foch, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces to Mr. Floyd Gibbons, War Correspondent for the Chicago Tribune.

Letter, in French, dated 28 July 1918 from General Foch, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces to Mr. Floyd Gibbons, War Correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. And They Thought We Woulnd't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 184b1f9dbd

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