Australian Passenger Lists 1899-1954
Passenger Lists from 1899-1954 available from the GG Archives from Australia. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain.
Includes passenger lists, Cost of Passage (1917), and Summary of Services (with Rates) by Steamship Line Serving Australia and New Zealand.
1899-04-28 RMS Orient Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Orient Line
- Class of Passengers: Cabin
- Date of Departure: 28 April 1899
- Route: London (Tilbury) to Australian Ports (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Albany) via Plymouth
- Commander: Lt. A. T. Pritchard, R.N.R
1925-08-13 TSS Sophocles Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Aberdeen Line
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 13 August 1925
- Route: United Kingdom to Australia
- Port of Calls: Liverpool » Albany » Melbourne » Sydney » Brisbane
- Commander: Captain A. Ogilvy
1926-01-16 TSS Demosthenes Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Aberdeen Line
- Class of Passengers: Saloon
- Date of Departure: 16 January 1926
- Route: Australia to the United Kingdom via South Africa and Spain
- Port of Calls: Melbourne » Fremantle » Durban » Capetown » Tenerife » Southampton
- Commander: Captain F. A. Orriss
1947-12-30 RMS Orion Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Orient Line
- Class of Passengers: Cabin
- Date of Departure: 30 December 1947
- Route: London (Tilbury) to Sydney via Aden, Colombo, Port Said, Fremantle, and Melbourne
- Commander: Captain C. Fox, C.B.E.
1948-02-07 RMS Orion Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Orient Line
- Class of Passengers: First Saloon
- Date of Departure: 7 February 1948
- Route: Sydney to Southampton via Melbourne, Fremantle, Colombo, Aden, and Port Said
- Commander: Captain C. Fox, C.B.E.
1954-08-24 RMS Strathmore Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Peninsular & Oriental Line (P&O)
- Class of Passengers: First Class
- Date of Departure: 24 August 1954
- Route: London to Sydney via Port Said, Bombay (Mumbai), Colombo, Fremantle, Adelaide, and Melbourne
- Commander: Captain A. G. Jenkins
1954-10-08 RMS Orion Passenger List
- Steamship Line: Orient Line
- Class of Passengers: Tourist Class
- Date of Departure: 8 October 1954
- Route: Vancouver BC to Sydney via San Francisco, Honolulu, Suva (Fiji), and Auckland
- Commander: Captain A. E. Coles, R.D., R.N.R.
How One Gets to Australia
What it costs the Emigrant or Tourist to reach his destination with Ports of Call, Offices, Etc.
Royal mall steamers of the “P and O." leave Tilbury Docks, near London, every alternate week for Fremantle. Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney, touching at Gibraltar. Marseilles, Port Said, Aden, and Colombo en route. Steamers carry only First and Second saloon passengers.
Fares to:
- Fremantle: First saloon, £70, £76, £82; Second saloon, £42, £44, £46
- Adelaide: First saloon. £72. £78, £84; snloon, £44, £46, £48
- Melbourne: First saloon, £74. £80, £86; Second saloon, £46, £48, £50
- Sydney: First saloon, £76, £8*2, £88; Second saloon, £48, £50, £52
- Brisbane : First saloon. £78, £84, £90; Second saloon, £50. £52, £54
- Hobart or Launceston: First saloon. £74. £80, £86; Second saloon, £46. £48, £50
- New Zealand Ports: First saloon, £78, £84. £90; Second saloon, £50, £52, £54
Children (above three years and under twelve), one-half fare.
One child (under three years, if with parent), free, no berth provided. Should any more than one child under three years be conveyed, one quarter fare will be charged for each additional one.
Head Office—122 Leadenhall-street. London. K.C.; branch at Northumberland Avenue, E.C.
All one-class steamers from London to Capetown. Adelaide. Melbourne. and Sydney.
At present the service is practically suspended, as the passenger steamers have been requisitioned.
Head Office—P. and O. Branch Service, 32 Limestrcet. London, E.C.
Ports of Call.—Brisbane, Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide, Fremantle, Durban. Capetown, Plymouth, and London.
- First saloon from Sydney, single. £76, £82, or £88 (according to the berth required);
- Second saloon from Sydney, single, £48, £50, or £52 (according to berth required);
- Third class, £21, £23, and £25
- Return tickets saloon, £132 and £78; Third class, £37 4s„ £40 16s., and £44 8s
Excursion fares on Australian coast.
Head Offices: Australia 2. 4, 6 Spring-street. Sydney; Branch Offices at Melbourne. Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and Fremantle. England-- 13 Fenchurch Avenue, London. E.C.
The steamers of the above lines leave London and Liverpool for Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, via South Africa. Only two classes of passengers are carried.
Fares on application to London Offices.
The London Offices Birt, Potter and Hughes Ltd, 3 Fenchurch Avenue; and Turnbull, Martin and Co, 112 Fenchurch-street.
Steamers leave London for Hobart and New Zealand ports at intervals of four weeks, calling at Plymouth. Teneriffe, Capetown, Hobart, and Wellington; on the homeward voyage they sail from Wellington, calling at Sydney and Capetown, for London.
- From Melbourne and Sydney to London—First class, £68 upwards; Second, £45 upwards; Third. £22 upwards
- To Capetown First Class. £35 upwards; Second, £25 upwards; Third, £14 upwards
London Office—Shaw. Sovlll and Albion Co. Ltd, 34 Leadenhall-street, London, E.C. Australian Agents: Dalgety and Co. Ltd.
All one-class (saloon) steamers to Capetown, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.
At present time service is practically suspended, as the passenger steamers have been requisitioned.
Head Office—Alfred Holt and Co, Water-street. Liverpool.
From Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Launceston Hobart, and Fremantle.
- To Teneriffe, Plymouth, and London—Single, from £45 Return, £81; Servants Single. £36;
- Return, £64. Natal and Capetown Single, from £30; Return (from Capetown), £55
Third Class:
- To Durban and Capetown—Single. £13 13s. to £17 17s.;
- Return (from Capetown), £21 10s. to £25 10s
- To Teneriffe, Plymouth, and London—Single £20 to £25;
- Return, from £35 8s. to £44 8s
Special terms to emigrants.
Head Office—Messrs. George Thompson and Co. Ltd, 7 Billiter Square London, E.C. Australasian Agents—Dalgety and Co. Ltd.
One class only; passengers thus offered unrivalled urcommodations at extremely moderate rates. Steamers leave Liverpool at intervals of four weeks, calling, on the outward voyage, at Capetown, Albany, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney, and, on the homeward voyage, Brisbane (generally), Sydney, Melbourne, Albany, Durban. Capetown, Plymouth and London.
The fares range from £15 15s. to £27 11s. to South Africa and from £23 to £39 to England, according to the accommodation provided.
Head Office—St. James'-street, Liverpool. Australasian Agents-Dalgcty and Co. Ltd.
London Office—Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square. Passengers may book through from London via Canadian Paciflc Railway, Vancouver and the Paciflc Ocean, to Sydney, Melbourne, and all ports within the Commonwealth, or to Auckland, transhipping there for other New Zealand ports.
- Liverpool to Melbourne—First class, from £74 15s. second class, from £50 17s
- From Liverpool via San Francisco, Tahit (Society Islands), Rarotonga (Cook Islands), to Wellington (N.Z.), or to Sydney, £71 10s.; Second class, £48 15s
French Mail Steamships.
Owing to the War. the running of the M.M. Co.'s regular mail line to Australia is interrupted. The Company has. however, intermediate steamers, with accommodation for passengers, leaving Marseilles for Australlan ports as circumstances permit. When the mail services start again the steamers will be of increased tonnage, coming via Torres Straits calling at Batavia on the way, then Brisbane and Sydney.
Rates and full particulars and dates of occasional sailings to Australia may be obtaind
from the Co.’s Offices—72-75 Fenchurch-street, London, E.C.; 1 Rue Vignun, Paris; 3 Place Sadi-Carnot, Marseilles.
Oceanic Steamship Company.
The service of this Co. from San Francisco to Sydney, via Pacific Ports, completes the chain by which the passenger may travel from Great Britain to Australia by way of the United States of America. The route enables the entire trip from London to Sydney to be made in 29 days. All arrangements for the through journey may be conveniently fixed at the London Office of the Co, situated at No. 7 Charing Cross.
An advantage claimed by the Oceanic Co. for their route is that it avoids the extremes of heat and cold.
Fares from London to Sydney vary from £36 16s. 4d. to £72 8s. 4d, and from San Francisco to Sydney from £18 10s. to £45.
Special Emigrants' Rates, Apply To Agents-General (See Index).
"How One Gets To Australia," in Australia To-Day: Special Number of "The Australasian Traveller," Melbourne: The United Commercial Travellers Association of Australasia Limited (1918) 21 November 1917, P. 32