Photographs from And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight - 1918


Photographs and Other Images Sourced from the Book and They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. A part of a World War 1 Online Exhibit at the GG Archives.



Memorandum Dated 17 July 1918 to Officers and Men of the Third Army Corps From Major General R. L. Bullard, Commander of the 3rd Corps.

Memorandum Dated 17 July 1918 to Officers and Men of the Third Army Corps From Major General R. L. Bullard, Commander of the 3rd Corps. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187a9cbf03


Western Union Anglo-American Direct United States Cablegram from Pershing to Floyd Gibbons, 17 October 1918.

Western Union Anglo-American Direct United States Cablegram from Pershing to Floyd Gibbons, 17 October 1918. Received at Broad Street, New York. Contents: Congratulations on Your Splendid Work. It is Bringing Us Most Enthusiastic Cablegrams from Your Audiences. Pershing. W. U. 3 PASS. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187aac6bfa


Correspondent Pass Valid 23 July 1918 to 23 August 1918 in the American Army Occupied Territory for Floyd Gibbons.

Correspondent Pass Valid 23 July 1918 to 23 August 1918 in the American Army Occupied Territory for Floyd Gibbons. The Pass Must be Returned to the Office of the Assistant Provost Marshal, Paris. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187ac50d06


Instructions for Correspondent Pass Valid 23 July 1918 to 23 August 1918 in the American Army Occupied Territory for Floyd Gibbons.

Instructions for Correspondent Pass Valid 23 July 1918 to 23 August 1918 in the American Army Occupied Territory for Floyd Gibbons. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187b360798


Press Correspondent License Photograph, Description, and Signature Page for Floyd Gibbons.

Press Correspondent License Photograph, Description, and Signature Page for Floyd Gibbons, Valid Only in the American Zone, Issued by the American Expeditionary Force Headquarters, France, 1 November 1917. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187b7cbee2


Press Correspondent's License, American Expeditionary Forces, Issued to Floyd Gibbons, 1 November 1917.

Press Correspondent's License, American Expeditionary Forces, Issued to Floyd Gibbons, 1 November 1917. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187c00b39b


Personal Letter from John J. Pershing to Floyd Gibbons dated 17 August 1918.

Personal Letter from John J. Pershing to Floyd Gibbons dated 17 August 1918. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187c8e6838


English Translation of Letter from General Ferdinand Foch to Floyd Gibbons, War Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune Dated 28 July 1918.

English Translation of Letter from General Ferdinand Foch to Floyd Gibbons, War Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune Dated 28 July 1918. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187cae3e8f


Letter Signed by General Ferdinand Foch to Mr. Floyd Gibbons, War Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune dated 28 July 1918 (In French).

Letter Signed by General Ferdinand Foch to Mr. Floyd Gibbons, War Correspondent of the Chicago Tribune dated 28 July 1918 (In French). And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187cbe34a0


English Translation of a Letter from General Pétain to Floyd Gibbons dated 2 August 1918 Pertaining to Order No, 8809D.

English Translation of a Letter from General Pétain to Floyd Gibbons dated 2 August 1918 Pertaining to Order No. 8809D. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 20018c322f


Letter (In French) from General Pétain to Floyd Gibbons dated 2 August 1918 Pertaining to Order No. 8809D.

Letter (In French) from General Pétain to Floyd Gibbons dated 2 August 1918 Pertaining to Order No. 8809D. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 187ccc4a4a


Portrait Photo of Floyd Gibbons after He Was Injured during the Rescue of an American Officer under Heavy Machine Gun Fire, 5 June 1918.

Portrait Photo of Floyd Gibbons After He Was Injured During the Rescue of an American Officer Under Heavy Machine Gun Fire, 5 June 1918. He Was Awarded the French War Cross That He Is Wearing on His Left Lapel. American War Correspondents Were Required to Wear an American Officers Uniform With No Insignia or Rank. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18833a5601


Letter from Lieutenant Jean Pozzi of the Commissariat Général des Affaires de Guere Franco-Américaines to Floyd Gibbons.

Letter from Lieutenant Jean Pozzi of the Commissariat Général des Affaires de Guere Franco-Américaines to Floyd Gibbons. The French War Cross Conferred to Floyd Gibbons by General Pétain, 16 August 1918. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18836c8140


The Arrival in London, Showing General Pershing, Mr. Page, Field Marshal Viscount French, Lord Derby, and Admiral Sims.

The Arrival in London, Showing General Pershing, Mr. Page, Field Marshal Viscount French, Lord Derby, and Admiral Sims. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e6835071


General Pershing Bowing to the Crowd in Paris.

General Pershing Bowing to the Crowd in Paris. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e6e0c605


The First American Foot on French Soil. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918.

The First American Foot on French Soil. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e79e4c1d


Soldiers on a Transport Ship Get Their First Glimpse of France.

Soldiers on a Transport Ship Get Their First Glimpse of France. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e7b3f557


Capt. Chevalier, of the French Army, Instructing American Officers in the Use of the One-Pounder

Capt. Chevalier, of the French Army, Instructing American Officers in the Use of the One-Pounder -- the Name of the Infantry Weapon, a 37mm Gun. It Was Developed in 1916 by Major Garnier, of the French Artillery, and, Upon Our Entry Into the War, We Adopted It as an Accompanying Weapon for Our Infantry. Its Success Was Marked. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e7e3da14


In the Course of Its Progress To the Valley of the Vesle, This 155mm Gun and Others of Its Kind Were Educating the Boche To Respect America.

In the Course of Its Progress To the Valley of the Vesle, This 155mm Gun and Others of Its Kind Were Educating the Boche To Respect America. The Tractor Hauls It Along Steadily and Slowly, Like a Steam Roller. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e7e8d069


Grave of First American Killed in France.

Grave of First American Killed in France. Translation: Here Lie the First Soldiers of the Great Republic of the United States of America, Fallen on French Soil for Justice and Liberty, 3 November 1917. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e8f32582


First of the Great Franco-American Counter-Offensive at Chateau-Thierry.

First of the Great Franco-American Counter-Offensive at Chateau-Thierry. The French Baby Tanks, Known as "Chars D'Assauts," Entering the Wood of Villers Cottoret, Southwest of Soissons. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e97950e9


Yanks and Poilus Viewing the City of Chateau-Thierry

Yanks and Poilus Viewing the City of Chateau-Thierry, Where in the Middle of July, the Yanks Turned the Tide of Battle Against The [Germans]. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e9e37c96


Marines Marching Down the Avenue President Wilson on the Fourth of July in Paris.

Marines Marching Down the Avenue President Wilson on the Fourth of July in Paris. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 18e9ed0997


Bridge Crossing Marne River in Château-Thierry Destroyed by Germans in the Retreat from Town.

Bridge Crossing Marne River in Château-Thierry Destroyed by Germans in the Retreat from Town. And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, 1918. GGA Image ID # 185c28d2e4


Floyd Gibbons, And They Thought We Wouldn't Fight, New York: George H. Doran Company, 1918.


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