Castle Garden, Immigrant Landing Station - 1883



The article "Castle Island - Immigrant Landing Station, 1883" provides an insightful overview of the operations and significance of Castle Island as a major immigrant landing station in New York Harbor. Castle Island, closely associated with Castle Garden, served as a critical entry point for millions of immigrants arriving in the United States during the late 19th century. The article details the procedures and facilities at Castle Island, reflecting on the experiences of immigrants and the challenges they faced upon their arrival in America.


Battery and Castle Garden, New York City, circa 1892.

Battery and Castle Garden, New York City, circa 1892. Detroit Publishing Company # 7607. Library of Congress # 2016816901. GGA Image ID # 14b51660a7


Castle Garden, situated in Battery Park on the extreme southern point of Manhattan Island, is now used as the immigrant depot. This article describes the process for new emigrants as they first find a resting place and receive their initial and usually erroneous impression of their new home.

The article also discusses the crucial role of the Commissioners of Emigration, who were responsible for overseeing the immigration process and the services provided to the immigrants at Castle Garden, the immigrants themselves, and Ward's Island.

Castle Garden, a site steeped in history, was originally a fort before being transformed into a summer garden, from which it derives its name. Despite its historical significance, it is still commonly referred to as Castle Garden. In the past, it served as a venue for civic and military displays and receptions due to the absence of a more suitable location. This rich history not only connects us to the past but also to the significant events that unfolded here, fostering a sense of connection to our historical roots.

When the Marquis of Lafayette revisited this country in 1824, a grand ball was held in his honor at Castle Garden. In 1882, President Jackson and 1848, President John Tyler were also publicly received in the Garden.

Castle Garden became a concert hall and is famous as the place where Jenny Lind made her first appearance in America. Her European reputation and P. T. Barnum's management secured an audience of such brilliance for her, which has rarely been seen in this country.

As the city expanded, the Garden's role evolved. In 1855, it was repurposed as an immigrant depot, a significant shift from its previous use as a resort. This transformation reflects the dynamic evolution of the city and the changing needs of its inhabitants, giving the audience a sense of the city's growth and change over time.


At one time, the Garden was infested with immigrant runners, who preyed upon the strangers, often unable to speak a word of English; but this has been suppressed in recent years, and the immigrant is now protected, sheltered, fed, and transported with his worldly goods to the depot, from where he departs from the city. This reassures us of the care and protection provided to the immigrants.

At times, 500 to 1,000 immigrants are sheltered at Castle Garden, and the sight is well worth seeing. They rarely, however, remain there over 24 hours. The immigrants are transferred to this landing depot, where, after an examination of their luggage, they are received by officers of the Commission, who enter in registers kept for necessary particulars for their future identification.

The names of those who have money, letters, or friends awaiting them are called out, and they are put into immediate possession of their property or committed to their friends, whose credentials have first been adequately scrutinized.

Those who desire can find clerks at hand to write letters for them in any European language and a telegraph operator within the depot to forward die-patches. Immigrants with special needs or those who require immediate assistance are identified and provided with the necessary support.

Here, also, the main trunk lines of the railway have offices at which the immigrant can buy tickets and have his luggage weighed and checked; brokers are admitted (under restrictions which make fraud impossible) to exchange the foreign coin or paper of immigrants; a restaurant supplies them with plain food at moderate prices; a physician is in attendance for the sick; a temporary hospital is ready to receive them until they can be conveyed to Ward's Island; and those in search of employment are furnished it at the labor bureau connected with the establishment.


These services, including transportation, currency exchange, healthcare, and employment assistance, are provided to the immigrant without any fee or charge.

Those who desire to start at once for their destination are sent to the railway or steamboat. At the same time, those who may choose to remain in the city are referred to boarding-house keepers admitted to the depot, whose charges are regulated under a special license and whose houses are kept under constant and rigid supervision by the Commissioners.

These services are rendered without any fee or charge to the immigrant. The present building at Castle Garden was erected for $80,000 after the partial destruction by fire of the original structure in 1876. A description of the other buildings of the immigrant department will be found under Ward’s Island. (See Also Commissioners of Emigration and Immigrants.


Commissioners of Emigration

There are 9 Commissioners, 6 of whom are appointed by the Governor. The other 8 are the Mayor of the city, the President of the Irish Emigrant Society, and the German Society ex Vick, who ' have entire control of the immigrants arriving at this port. Formerly, the Commissioners collected a tax of $1.50 per capita from the steamship companies. Still, a recent United States Supreme Court decision declared this tax illegal. The entire support of the Bureau now devolves upon the State. The cost of its maintenance is about $150,000 per annum. (See Ward’s Island, Castle Garden, and Immigrants.)



Before 1855, vessels arriving at this port were allowed to land immigrants at any pier. Still, by a State law enacted at that time, masters of vessels were compelled, without exception, to land them at Castle Garden.

The greatest number of immigrants landed at this port in one year was 476,086 in 1882; in 1854, the year preceding the establishment of the Castle Garden depot, it reached 819,000. The smallest number, 54,000, arrived in 1877.


Ward's Island

Ward's Island, a nearly circular island in the East River near its junction with the Harlem River, forms the northern boundary of Hell Gate and is divided from Randall's Island to the north by Little Bell Gate. It contains about 200 acres, is well located above the high water mark, and is, in parts, finely wooded.

It is owned by the city, the Commissioners of Emigration, and private individuals. It is divided between the Commissioners of Pulie Charities and Correction and the Commissioners of Emigration. The insane asylum for males and the homeopathic hospital are under the care of the former.

Under the latter's charge are the State Emigrant Hospital, a lunatic asylum, houses of refuge, and a nursery home for children. There is also on the Island a home for invalid soldiers of the late war who served in the regiments raised in this city. The convict labor from Blackwell's is constantly being graded and imprisoned, and a seawall similar to that around is in construction.

The buildings are mainly plain, substantial brick structures, but those recently erected by the Commissioner of Correction are noticeably° large and handsome. The lunatic asylum is a splendid firebrick structure with gray-stone trimmings and several highly ornamental wings. It usually contains about 1,100 patients.

Standing back from the shore, these buildings are almost hidden from view in fine old trees, and the scene is more than ordinarily attractive. In the institutions under the charge of the Commissioners of Emigration, sick and impoverished aliens arriving in this country are cared for. (See Commissioners OF Immigration )

Permission to visit the Island may be obtained from the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction at their office at 3rd and 11th Streets. Thence, by boat from the foot of E. 26th St., The pass must be specially endorsed to gain admission to the lunatic asylum. A fair view of the Island may be obtained from the Harlem boats, starting from near Peck slip about hourly. The fare is 10 cents.


New York State Emigrant Hospital and Refuge Ward's Island

The New York State Emigrant Hospital and Refuge on Ward's Island was Founded in 1847. Ferry foot of 110th street, E. R. In charge of the Commissioners of Emigration. Receives emigrants who have resided in this country for less than one year. The expenses of maintaining this State institution on the island are met partially by appropriations made by the State and by a capitation tax of fifty cents, levied by an act of Congress of August 8, 1882—capacity: 1,200 beds. The service includes medical, surgical, obstetrical, and insane departments.


Appletons' Dictionary of New York and Vicinity (with maps), Fifth Edition, New York: D Appleton & Co., 1883


Key Points

  • Role of Castle Island: Castle Island functioned as an extension of Castle Garden, playing a vital role in the processing and management of immigrants entering the United States.
  • Immigrant Processing Procedures: The article describes the various steps involved in the immigrant processing procedures, including health inspections, documentation checks, and interviews.
  • Facilities and Services: The facilities at Castle Island included areas for health inspections, holding spaces for detained immigrants, and services to assist new arrivals in transitioning to life in America.
  • Challenges and Conditions: Immigrants often faced crowded conditions, long wait times, and the uncertainty of their status as they underwent processing.
  • Impact on Immigration: The article highlights the importance of Castle Island in the broader context of American immigration history, noting its role in shaping the immigrant experience and contributing to the demographic changes in the United States.



The article "Castle Island - Immigrant Landing Station, 1883" provides a detailed account of the operations at Castle Island, emphasizing its significance as a key entry point for immigrants arriving in New York Harbor. The article covers the various procedures that immigrants had to go through, including health inspections and document verification, as well as the challenges they faced during this process. The facilities at Castle Island were essential in managing the large influx of immigrants, offering crucial services and support. The article also discusses the broader impact of Castle Island on American immigration, highlighting its role in the lives of millions of immigrants and its contribution to the social and demographic evolution of the United States.



The article sheds light on the critical role Castle Island played in the immigration process during the late 19th century. As an extension of Castle Garden, it was instrumental in managing the enormous number of immigrants arriving in the United States, providing essential services and support. The challenges faced by immigrants, as well as the procedures and facilities at Castle Island, are crucial aspects of the broader story of American immigration. The article underscores the historical significance of Castle Island in shaping the immigrant experience and its lasting impact on the United States.

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