A Bridal Shower With Daisies - 1907
A bride who is to be married in June was given a daisy shower recently. The girls who were invited guests were asked to bring something ornamented with daisies. Some of them brought table linen of various kinds with the design of daisies stamped or embroidered thereon.
Others gave fancy pins, sofa pillow covers, china, cut glass, souvenir spoons, books, and many other useful and ornamental gifts, but all were decorated with daisies.
The presents were wrapped in tissue paper and tied with white and yellow ribbon. Cards were enclosed bearing some little verse such as "She is a lady sweet and fair who comes to gather daisies there," and other quotations appropriate for the occasion.
The flowers used for decoration in the entrance hall and parlor were arranged in the manner in which the Japanese so excel—only a few grouped together and placed loosely in the vases. This was a welcome contrast to the solid mass of floral decorations we so often see.
An afternoon luncheon was served in the dining room. The decorations and menu were made to represent daisies and the colors of daisies predominated. Shades were lowered to exclude the light of day and candles were lighted. They had shades in the form of daisies.
The table was covered with a white cloth over which a yellow centerpiece was spread and laid around this was a garland of daisies and daisies were scattered over the table.
Only light refreshments were served; the first course was grape fruit, then followed chicken sandwiches and daisy salad.
The salad placed at each cover; was arranged by making circles of crisp lettuce leaves on small plates with a tablespoonful of mayonnaise dressing in the center of each. The "daisy" petals were arranged around this center.
These were made by cutting into narrow strips the whites of hard-boiled eggs.
The yolks were pressed through a strainer and scattered over the dressing. It requires four or five eggs, and this amount will serve about eight or nine persons.
White and yellow ices were served in sherbet glasses which were placed on plates decorated with a garland of daisies. Small cakes were served with the sherbet and each one had a daisy on top. The daisies were made by first spreading over the cakes a chocolate icing.
This was allowed to dry after which a white icing made very stiff was pressed through a paper funnel to shape the petals. A small portion of the icing was colored a deep yellow and used to make the centers in the daisies.
Orangeade was served as a beverage. Each girl was given a superb bouquet of daisies.
What to Eat 1907 p. 168