Norway, Sweden, Denmark: Burton Holmes Travelogues, Volume Seven

Front Cover, Norway, Sweden, Denmark: Burton Holmes Travelogues, Volume Seven

Burton Holmes, Burton Holmes Travelogues, Volume Seven, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, © 1914 The Travelogue Bureau, Chicago, Hardcover, 342 Pages. Leather Cover.

A book from the Travelogue series covering the Scandinavian countries with a brief section on Finland. Includes many Illustrations and Photographs by the author. Burton Holmes took these pictures in the 1890s during extensive world traveling.

E. Burton Holmes said, "To travel is to possess the world." In this volume (Vol.7), this famous world traveler, photographer, and lecturer shares his adventures and wonderful photographs fromhis travels in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.

Many black & white and a few color photographs and illustrations. The color photos are protected by tissue paper printed with expanded captions.

"And here my tale should end, but it shall not: "A day should be praised at night, a woman after she is buried, a sword after it is tried, ice when it has been crossed over, and a voyage after it is ended"


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