Steamship Barbers and Barber Shops
BARBERS on some of the favorite ocean steamships do quite a lucrative business selling the photographs of the vessel. The pictures are mounted in different sizes, and are sold at a trifle beyond ordinary price. It is the odd passenger —perhaps the economical one—who does not want a picture of the ship in which he has safely crossed the sea. There is no more appropriate souvenir of the voyage.
Source: Ocean: Magazine of Travel, Vol. III, No. 2, September 1889, Page 42
There is an elegantly appointed barber-shop on the French steamers, with the genuine high chair, foot-stools, washing-stands, etc. The barbers guarantee to shave during the voyage (rough or calm weather) without slashing and cutting one's chin or nose off, as some barbers do on land.
The barber shops on the Inman Saturday mail steamers are attended by a colored gentlemen who have the usual conversational abilities identified with the profession.
Noyes, E. H. "Steamship Notes.": A Hand-Book Containing Facts, Hints, and General Information for Those Contemplating a Trip to Europe, New York (1874), P.44-45
See the 1910 Travel Guide article on "The Barber, Hair Dressing and Manicuring" for additional information.