Fort Dix Basic Training Yearbook 1971 Company E

Front Cover, Fort Dix Basic Training Yearbook 1971 Company E, 1st Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade.

Front Cover, Fort Dix Basic Training Yearbook 1971 Company E, 1st Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade. GGA Image ID #

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company E, 1st Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade for 1971, United States Army Basic Training, Fort Dix, Kentucky. Company Commander: Capt. Michael W. Jacobs. 196 Recruits Graduated on 26 February 1972.

Company E 1971 Organization and Schedule

  • Organization: 1st Battalion, 2nd Training Brigade
  • Commenced Training: December 1971
  • Completed Training: 26 February 1972

Company E 1971 Leadership

  • Brigade Commander: Colonel C.M. Watters
  • Company Commander: Capt. Michael W. Jacobs
  • Training Officer: 2LT Lloyd B. Conley
  • First Sergeant: 1SG Wilfred S. Beckles

L-R, STANDING: PSG Walter E. Steward, PSG James J. Shippy, PSG Kenneth W. Copeland, SSG Roy E. Lorrow, SGT Ronald A. Connors.
KNEELING with Guidon. SGT Ralph R. Williams.

Company E 1971 Recruit Roster

  1. Alcott, James
  2. Allen, Frederick
  3. Anderson, James
  4. Anderson, Merlin
  5. Ash, Charles
  6. Bagg, Russell
  7. Bagley, Stephen
  8. Bazyk, Robert
  9. Beall, Howard
  10. Bell, Roger
  11. Bentz, Mark
  12. Bermudez, Jose
  13. Billings, Clifford
  14. Boodram, Anthony
  15. Borrero, Carlos
  16. Brown, Thomas
  17. Bruno, Antimo
  18. Bryant, Lewis
  19. Burbach, Wayne
  20. Burnett, Wayne
  21. Burroughs, Bernard
  22. Cabral, Stephen
  23. Campbell, Ronald
  24. Campbell, Ildage
  25. Canada, Jeffrey
  26. Carney, Patrick
  27. Cepeda, Jose
  28. Chirumbolo, James
  29. Christopher, Charles
  30. Cleary, Thomas
  31. Conley, Robert
  32. Conners, Donald
  33. Comick, Samuel
  34. Curry, James
  35. Cutter, Bradley
  36. Dares, Alvin
  37. Davis, Herbert
  38. Davis, Paul
  39. Davis, Ronald
  40. Dawkins, Robert
  41. Deale, William
  42. DenBesten, Ronald
  43. Diggs, Aubrey
  44. Donnelly, Michael
  45. Donovan, Timothy
  46. Doster, Evan
  47. Dunford, Raymond
  48. Einhorn, Edward
  49. Ennis, David
  50. Enos, Robert
  51. Ern, Rocque
  52. Fisher, Eric
  53. Flanagan, John
  54. Folts, Gary
  55. Foote, Robert
  56. Gabbert, Stephen
  57. Gattis, George
  58. Gemmell, William
  59. George, Olive
  60. Gilmet, Robert
  61. Glascoe, Eugene
  62. Goodspeed, Gene
  63. Greene, Richard
  64. Groom, Terry
  65. Gue, Thomas
  66. Gulick, Jeffrey
  67. Hansen, Rex
  68. Hargrove, Harold
  69. Harper, Barnett
  70. Hayes, Wesley
  71. Himsel, Donald
  72. Hofmann, John
  73. Horan, James
  74. Horvath, Lester
  75. Houston, Telfair
  76. Howe, Franklin
  77. Hunt, Thomas
  78. Hutchinson, A.
  79. Jankunis, Joseph
  80. Johnson, Elroy
  81. Johnson, Howard
  82. Kaminski, Walter
  83. Kemp, David
  84. King, Donnie
  85. Kirk, Paul
  86. Labuz, Alfred
  87. Landskroener, R.
  88. Langley, Michael
  89. Laroche, Gilles
  90. Laundry, Joseph
  91. Lebron, William
  92. Lebsock, Randall
  93. Lewis, Michael
  94. Lipinski, Gary
  95. Lustenberger, T. J.
  96. Lyons, Bernard
  97. McBride, Robert
  98. McGowan, John
  99. McMahon, John
  100. MacDonald, L H.
  101. Madore, William
  102. Magarelli, Gaetano
  103. Mainon, Charles
  104. Maistros, C.
  105. Malinowski, Joseph
  106. Malizia, Frederick
  107. Marsden, James
  108. Marston, Richard
  109. Martin, Joseph
  110. Marvin, James
  111. Menniti, Andrew
  112. Meyer, Jay
  113. Miller, Melvin
  114. Minty, James
  115. Mold, Dennis
  116. Morangelli, A.
  117. Muller, William
  118. Myers, Howard
  119. Narain, Sewdial
  120. Nichols, Dale
  121. Nicholson, Edward
  122. Nicholson, Winston
  123. Nieves, Felix
  124. O'Connor, Michael
  125. Orr, John
  126. Ortiz, Hector
  127. Pahucki, Richard
  128. Parker, Robert
  129. Pawlak, Jeffrey
  130. Peek, Daniel
  131. Pennie, Ronald
  132. Pflieger, Russell
  133. Piazza, Samuel
  134. Poletto, Marco
  135. Polmonari, Peter
  136. Pontifice, Joseph
  137. Price, Gregory
  138. Price, William
  139. Pujol, Ramon
  140. Purdum, Spencer
  141. Puzo, Joseph
  142. Qualley, Robert
  143. Quay, Herman
  144. Quigley, Michael
  145. Radford, Randy
  146. Reese, William
  147. Repici, David
  148. Rivas, Ronald
  149. Rohtla, Toomas
  150. Roth, Alan
  151. Rudelich, Lawe
  152. Sahadeo, Narine
  153. Schick, Gerald
  154. Schmitz, Gerald
  155. Schmitz, Stanley
  156. Schofield, Thomas
  157. Schrecengost, S. L.
  158. Schroen, Malcolm
  159. Selby, David
  160. Shearer, Sheldon
  161. Shulman, Neal
  162. Singleton, Jonathan
  163. Smallwood, John
  164. Smith, Kenneth
  165. Souza, Roy
  166. Spicer, Robert
  167. Spinner, August
  168. Stewart, Ralph
  169. Supernault, W.
  170. Sweeney, Richard
  171. Tartar, Jules
  172. Terhune, John
  173. Thoma, Henry
  174. Thomas, Anthony
  175. Toliver, Rodney
  176. Toomey, John
  177. Torrillo, Thomas
  178. Triller, Robert
  179. Vittorio, Anthony
  180. Wagner, Paul
  181. Warnick, Robert
  182. Watson, John
  183. Wawro, Bruce
  184. White, Everett
  185. White, James
  186. Wierzalis, Robert
  187. Williamee, Richard
  188. Wilson, Jay
  189. Wolsteipholm, D.
  190. Young, Eric


  1. Unidentified Recruit
  2. Unidentified Recruit


  1. Craig, John
  2. Lee, Christopher
  3. Lehman, Kim
  4. Madigan, Michael

Fort Dix Boot Camp Yearbook Photos - Company E 1971

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Leadership, Page 1.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Leadership, Page 1. GGA Image ID # 16f6a6c7dc

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Leadership, Page 2.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Leadership, Page 2. GGA Image ID # 16f6c67631

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 3.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 3. GGA Image ID # 16f6db0c5c

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 4.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 4. GGA Image ID # 16f6e00f75

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 5.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 5. GGA Image ID # 16f76ab7f0

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 6.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 6. GGA Image ID # 16f771ef14

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 7.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 7. GGA Image ID # 16f7c61ae4

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 8.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 8. GGA Image ID # 16f7f19a54

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 9.

Company E 1971 Fort Dix Basic Training Recruit Photos, Page 9. GGA Image ID # 16f822ff3b

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