Chocolate Fudge - Definition and Recipes

Chocolate Fudge Cake

One kindly contributes a recipe for chocolate fudge. A certain amount of sweets are absolutely necessary for the growth of children, and there can be no purer sweets than homemade candies.

In our armies, chocolate candles are now issued with the rations, for long and exhausting marches. So mothers may make a plate of "fudge" with conscience clear, and give to the children, now and then, as they see fit. Too much sweet at one time, of course, is not good for the digestion.

Fudge is one of the most delicate confections to make correctly, for it requires much experience and judgment to bring it to the proper consistency. If it is not just right, putty and lead are not to be compared to it. It is also difficult to keep, though now they have learned to keep it fresh for a week.

After blocking the fudge, put it in small packages, and carry or store it in a cool place. It must also be handled with care, and delivered personally; it would be ruined by the rough handling in delivery to your host.

Fudge and Fondant

Fudges of different kinds are easily made, and when soft, fine-grained and creamy, are good sellers. An excellent standard recipe is Chocolate Fudge, given below. For the trade, the formula may be increased up to about 10 pounds in a batch. More than this is too much to be worked by hand.

Sour cream instead of milk makes a particularly good fudge.

Part water and part condensed milk may be used for fudge.

Fudges should be worked like fondants. They should be cooled before being worked to secure a rich, creamy consistency. If the fudge becomes too hard to work efficiently, a damp cloth may be laid over it for a few minutes to soften it.

Fudge may be put into a stone crock the same as fondant, after being worked until creamy, and can be softened over hot water, then molded and cut as orders come in.

Shape fudge between candy bars which have been placed upon a wooden table lined with heavy wax paper. Fudge cooled upon marble or in tin cools more quickly on the top and bottom than in the center, and when it is cut it is apt to crumble.

To cut fudge, use a strip of wood with even straight edges cut just the width you wish to have your fudge squares, say ij^ inches wide. Lay the wood with the edge parallel with the side of the fudge and cut fudge beside the ruler with a sharp knife.

When fudge is made in large quantities glucose is often added, but this is not desirable, as it may give your fudge a chewy rather than a creamy consistency.

Do not try to make divinity fudges and nougatines without an electric beater, as too much time is required for beating, and dampness affects the white of egg so that it takes a long time for the mixture to dry out.


Chocolate Dipped Fruit Fudge


  • 1-1/2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of Maple Syrup
  • 1-1/2 cups of glucose (pure corn syrup)
  • 1/2 a cup of thick cream, or
  • 1/3 a cup of milk and 1/4 a cup of butter
  • 3/4 a cup of fruit, figs, and candied cherries and apricots cut in small pieces.


  • 1/2 a cake or more of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate
  • Stir the sugar, syrup, glucose and cream until the sugar is melted
  • Cover and let boil three or four minutes, then uncover and let boil stirring often but very gently until a soft ball may be formed in cold water, or, until the thermometer registers 236 deg. F.
  • Set the saucepan on a cake cooler and when the mixture becomes cool, add the fruit and beat until it becomes thick, then turn into pans lined with waxed paper
  • In about fifteen minutes cut into squares. Coat these with the "Dot" Chocolate.


Cocoa Fudge

  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 6 tablespoons of Baker’s Breakfast Cocoa
  • 3 level tablespoons of butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • Mix all ingredients together but vanilla;
  • Cook, constantly stirring, until it begins to boil, then cook slowly, occasionally stirring, eight or ten minutes, or until it makes a firm ball when dropped in cold water.
  • When cooked enough, add the vanilla and beat until it seems like very cold molasses in winter.
  • Pour into a buttered pan; when firm, cut in squares.
  • Great care must be taken not to beat too much, because it cannot be poured into the pan, and will not have a gloss on top.


Double Fudge

  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate
  • 1/2 a cup of cream
  • 1 tablespoonful of butter
  • Boil seven minutes; then beat and spread in a buttered tin to cool


  • 2 cups of brown sugar
  • 1/2 a cup of cream
  • 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of walnut meats, chopped fine
  • Butter size of a walnut
  • Boil ten minutes; then beat and pour on top of fudge already in the pan
  • When cool, cut in squares


Fudge Hearts or Rounds

  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1/3 a cup of condensed milk
  • 1/3 a cup of water
  • 1/4 a cup of butter
  • 1-1/2 squares of Baker's Chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


  • Boil the sugar, milk, and water to 236 deg. F., or to the "soft ball" degree; stir gently every few minutes
  • Add the butter and let boil up vigorously, then remove from the fire and add the chocolate
  • Let stand undisturbed until cool, then add the vanilla and beat the candy until it
  • thickens and begins to sugar
  • Pour into a pan lined with paper to stand until cooled somewhat
  • Turn from the mold and with a French cutter or a sharp-edged tube cut into symmetrical shapes.


Marbled Fudge

  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1/4 a cup of glucose (pure corn syrup)
  • 1-1/2 cups of cream
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, scraped fine or melted
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla.
  • Stir the sugar, glucose, and cream over a slack fire until the sugar is melted
  • Move the saucepan to a hotter part of the range and continue stirring until the mixture boils
  • Then let boil, stirring every three or four minutes very gently, until the thermometer registers 236 deg. F., or, until a soft ball can be formed in cold water
  • Remove from the fire and pour one-half of the mixture over the chocolate
  • Set both dishes on a cake rack, or on something that will allow the air to circulate below the dishes
  • When the mixture cools a little, get someone to beat one dish of the fudge
  • Add a teaspoon of vanilla to each dish, and beat until thick and slightly grainy, then put the mixture in a pan, lined with waxed paper, first a little of one and then of the other, to give a marbled effect
  • When nearly cold turn from the pan, peel off the paper and cut into cubes


Marshmallow Fudge


  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • Nearly half a pound of marshmallows, split in halves.



  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1/4 a teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • Start with the first batch and when this is nearly boiled enough, set the second batch to cook, preparing it in the same manner as the first
  • Stir the sugar and cream, over a rather slack fire, until the sugar is melted, when the sugar boils wash down the sides of the pan as in making fondant, set in the thermometer and cook over a quick fire, without stirring, to the soft ball degree, 236 deg. F.
  • Add the butter, salt, and chocolate, melted or shaved fine, and let boil up vigorously, then remove to a cake cooler (or two spoon handles to allow a circulation of air below the pan)
  • In the meantime, the second batch should be cooking, and the marshmallows are gotten ready
  • When the first batch is about cold add the vanilla and beat the candy vigorously until it begins to thicken, then turn it into a pan lined with waxed paper
  • At once dispose the halves of marshmallows close together upon the top of the fudge
  • Soon the other dish of fudge will be ready; set it into cold water and when nearly cold, add the vanilla and beat as in the first batch, then pour it over the marshmallows
  • When the whole is about cold turn it onto a marble, or hardwood board, pull off the paper and cut into cubes
  • If one is able to work very quickly, but one batch need be prepared, half of it being spread over the marshmallows


Smith College Fudge

  • Melt one-quarter cup of butter
  • Mix together in a separate dish one cup of white sugar, one cup of brown sugar, one-quarter cup of molasses and one-half cup of cream
  • Add this to the butter, and after it has been brought to a boil continue boiling for two and one-half minutes, stirring rapidly
  • Then add two squares of Baker's Premium No. 1 Chocolate scraped fine
  • Boil this five minutes stirring it first rapidly, and then more slowly towards the end
  • After it has been taken from the fire, add one and one-half teaspoonfuls of vanilla
  • Then stir constantly until the mass thickens
  • Pour into buttered pan and set in a cool place


Vassar Fudge

  • 2 cups of white granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1/4 a cake of Baker's Premium No. 1 Chocolate.
  • Put in the sugar and cream, and when this becomes hot put in the chocolate, broken up into fine pieces
  • Stir vigorously and constantly
  • Put in butter when it begins to boil
  • Stir until it creams when beaten on a saucer
  • Then remove and beat until quite cool and pour into buttered tins
  • When cold cut in diamond-shaped pieces


Wellesley Marshmallow Fudge

  • Heat two cups of granulated sugar and one cup of rich milk (cream is better)
  • Add two squares of Baker's Chocolate, and boil until it hardens in cold water
  • Just before it is done add a small piece of butter, then begin to stir in marshmallows, crushing and beating them with a spoon
  • Continue to stir in marshmallows, after the fudge has been taken from the fire until half a pound has been stirred into the fudge
  • Cool in sheets three-quarters of an inch thick and cut in cubes
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