Sailing Schedules for 1954


Sailing schedules for 1954 typically outline the departure and arrival times and the routes taken by ships during their voyages. These schedules serve as vital information for passengers, allowing them to plan their journeys effectively.


Sailing Schedule for the SS Atlantic from 20 May 1954 to 20 December 1954.

Sailing Schedule, SS Atlantic Tourist Passenger List, 17 July 1954. GGA Image ID # 1dc7c70375

  • Ships: SS Atlantic
  • Steamship Line(s): Home Lines
  • Sailing Date Range: 20 May 1954 to 20 December 1954
  • Ports (Westbound): Rotterdam or/and Southampton-Le Havre-Quebec
  • Ports (Eastbound): Quebec-Plymouth-Le Havre-Southampton
  • Ports (Alternate): Cuxhaven (Germany), Halifax, New York, Gibraltar, Naples, Messina (Italy), Piraeus (Greece)
  • Note: Direct Express Service Canada-Europe-Canada


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