O'Day 20: Perfect Young-Family Boat (1973)

The O'Day 20 Sailboat

Length: 19'8"
Beam: 7'0"
Draft: Centerboard up 14" down 4'5"
Sail Area: 174 sq. ft.

Last year all you thought about was racing. This year your crew has increased to two.

When Baby Makes Three ... The O'Day 20 - 1973 Advertisement

The new O'Day 20 was made for people like you. Fast enough to race. Roomy enough to cruise.

Easy to trailer and launch, even with small cars.

With comfort features like head, sink, stove and full length berths. And safety features like self-bailing and self-righting.

And extra strong, thanks to a structural fiberglass pan that is glassed to the hull for additional rigidity.

A cabin top with full fiberglass headliner for that expensive, big boat look. A deep centerboard for stability and a shallow 14" draw for in-close handling. The centerboard is enclosed within the keel, no part projects into the cabin.

The O'Day 20... a perfect young-family boat.

Fall River, Massachusetts 02720


Today's best built sailboats. Safe. Easy-to-sail. Backed with a 2-year warranty.

The O'Day Gold Medal Fleet...9 Great Boats from 12' to 27'. Send $1. for Catalogs plus 38-page book "Have Fun Learning to Sail" to Dept. Y103

The Trailerable O'Day 20

GG Archives REF: BPODY-013-1973-C-AD

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