Smith & Wesson Makes a Lot More Than Handguns (1980)
Firearms and Restraints
The recognized leader in the development and manufacture of handguns, Smith & Wesson now offers over 40 handcrafted models from .22 caliber to the .44 Magnum®.
Whether you prefer a revolver or an automatic, there's a Smith & Wesson with the perfect combination of weight, feel and balance for you.
Smith & Wesson offers a proven line of 12 gauge riot shotguns. Lightweight —approximately 6 3/4 pounds — these shotguns have a smooth, fast, easy pump action. Available in 6 shot models with 18 and 20 inch barrels and 8 shot models with 20 inch barrels.
The perfect companion to Smith & Wesson weapons are Smith & Wesson handcuffs. Six models from the Maximum Security to the Airweight® to Stainless Steel, provide a wide choice to meet your needs.
Smith & Wesson manufactures a broad line of high quality ammunition tailored to the needs of modern defense organizations.
Handgun ammunition includes the popular wadcutter, round nose, jacketed hollow point, jacketed soft point and full metal case bullet styles. Calibers include .357 Magnum, .38 Special, .32 S&W, 9 mm, .380, .32 and .25 automatic.
Riot Control Equipment
Smith & Wesson has sophisticated items designed for the specific needs of military riot control units.
Tear gas and smoke generating capability is available in a range of products from the unique and well-known Pepper Fog® tear gas and smoke generator to rubber ball and canister grenades to cartridges and barricade penetrating projectiles.
Special 37 mm gas and flare guns and pistols have been developed for accurate firing and delivery of 37 mm projectiles.
In the area of personal protective equipment, Smith & Wesson offers gas masks, comfortable, lightweight body armor, and a superior, lightweight riot helmet that meets Z90.1 impact standards.
Leather Products
Smith & Wesson's line of quality leather products includes 29 different holster models, 7 belts, and a complete line of cartridge boxes, carriers and other accessories.
The Smith & Wesson line continues to provide hand polished and fitted quality, in both top grain cowhide and superb synthetic Clarino®, at moderate prices.
Night Vision Equipment
Smith & Wesson's Star-tron® night vision systems have set the standard of the industry.
Five first generation and two second generation models and an unmatched selection of attachments and accessories enable each organization to meet its exact needs.
Star-iron units offer still, motion picture and video tape camera options, and can be fitted into rifles for anti sniper activities.
Emergency Equipment
Smith & Wesson has developed a broad line of emergency flares and smoke signals—from the compact, brilliant hand-held day and night distress signals to floating orange smoke signals to the hand-held rocket-propelled parachute flare.
Smith & Wesson has also developed the unique Line Thrower, a rocket-propelled system for accurately shooting a Y4 inch line a distance of up to 1200 feet.
Non-lethal Weapons
Smith & Wesson's Chemical Mace® brand non-lethal weapons are the standard of the world.
Today they are available in a wide range of configurations, including pocket-size MK-III and second generation MK-V. Chemical Maces brand non-lethal weapons provide the maximum in security, effectiveness and safety.
Vehicle Equipment
Manufactured to rigid quality standards, the Smith & Wesson line includes a broad range of rotating beacons, warning lights, strobe lights and light bars.
Six models of electronic sirens provide unmatched versatility and choice for operation of speaker, lights and gun lock accessories. Included in the Smith & Wesson line are five high power loudspeakers.
More than 100 strategically located distributors and representatives, supported by Smith & Wesson overseas area managers, offer immediate sales assistance throughout the world.
For product demonstrations and detailed specifications, contact: International Marketing Section, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts 01101, USA.
Smith & Wesson
Springfield, Massachusetts 01101
A Bangor Punta Company
GG Archives REF: BPS&W-053-1980-BW-AD