7 Facts About Learning To Fly From Piper Aircraft (1978)
Read how you can enjoy the exhilarating and adventurous world of flight.
1. Can Anyone Learn To Fly?
Almost anyone can be taught to take off and land, but becoming a well-rounded pilot is a different thing.
It takes the kind of person who likes a challenge and can apply himself. The 750,000 people in the U.S. who fly—and the thousands who are taking it up right now—are people who relish the satisfaction of accomplishing something out of the ordinary.
2. What Are The Physical Requirements?
You just have to be in general good health. Common sense and mature judgment are the basic elements of a safe pilot. Only a simple physical examination is required. Eyeglasses are no deterrent. There is no maximum age limit. (16's the minimum age for solo.)
3. How Long Does It Take To Get A License?
The government requires a minimum of 35 hours of flight time for a Private License. Since you are flying while learning, the required hours are enjoyable and exciting. You learn at your leisure, and pay on a lesson-to-lesson basis.
4. How Complicated Is It To Learn?
You are introduced to the basic elements of flying one at a time. First, the effect of the controls ... ease back on the wheel to climb, ease forward to descend ... make turns by turning the wheel left or right to establish a bank.
After several hours of practice you can handle the airplane instinctively—you're able to move confidently in the three-dimensional realm of flight.
Take-offs and landings are much simplified with modern tricycle landing gear. Landings are even easier with low wing design, as in the Piper Cherokee, because an invisible pillow of air builds up under your wing to cushion the touchdown.
When you start using an airplane for its real purpose—straight, swift transportation —you are amazed at the miraculous but simple-to-use electronic navigation aids that tell you exactly where you are.
5. What About All Those Instruments?
Sort them out and you find most are the same as on a car or boat—a clock, a compass, a speedometer, and engine instruments, plus an altimeter.
The additional instruments provided in most modern panels include, for example, a dial that shows your rate of climb or descent, an artificial horizon that shows whether you're level, and a gyroscopic compass that remains steady in flight ... all there to simplify your handling of the airplane.
6. Do You Have To Own An Airplane To Enjoy Flying?
Not necessarily so. It's very practical for you and two or three friends to share ownership in a new, over 130 mph Piper Cherokee. Since flying can be enjoyed all year round, a share can be a very sound investment. Many pilots join clubs or rent airplanes as you would a car.
7. Where Should I Learn To Fly?
You'll learn best at a Piper Flite Center, which offers programmed aviation training with a complete 30-step system. The most modern training equipment is used and every instructor is a government-rated professional.
$5 For Your First Lesson
The first introductory lesson at a Piper Flite Center costs only $5. The Special Flying Start Course, available exclusively at Piper Flite Centers, offers four lessons, tog book, and preliminary ground school instruction for only $88.
Actually getting your pilot's license costs about the same as taking up golf or skiing. And when you can fly, it's something the whole family can enjoy with you.
Act Now
Use the coupon below to get a complete Flight Information Kit which includes: Let's Fly! 20-page illustrated booklet on learning to fly / Piper Partnership booklet / Piper Pilot Magazine / Plus special money-saving first flight lesson coupon.
Visit your Piper Flite Center (listed in the Yellow Pages) and try your first flight lesson. See if you're up to this exciting challenge.
More airplane for the dollar.
Piper Aircraft Corporation, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Member of GAMA
A Bangor Punta Company
GG Archives REF: BPPAC-026-1978-BW-AD