Smith & Wesson Trademark 73312816

US Trademark "Typed Drawing"

Goods and Services (CANCELLED) IC 006. US 025. G & S: Handcuffs. FIRST USE: 19810310. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19810310
Mark Drawing Code (1) TYPED DRAWING
Serial Number 73312816
Filing Date June 1, 1981
Current Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Published for Opposition December 8, 1981
Registration Number 1191065
Registration Date March 2, 1982
Owner (REGISTRANT) Bangor Punta Corporation CORPORATION DELAWARE One Greenwich Plz. Greenwich CONNECTICUT 06830
Attorney of Record Patrick J. Walsh
Prior Registrations 0095164;1125756;AND OTHERS
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Live/Dead Indicator DEAD
Cancellation Date October 14, 1988
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Bangor Punta Corporation (BNK)
Corporate Activites and Annual Reports
GG Archives Online Exhibit

1968 Bangor Punta Corporation Annual Report

1976 Bangor Punta Corporation Annual Report

PR Advertisements

Bangor Punta Corporatation Timeline

BP Corporate Other

Bangor Punta Era

The Bangor Punta era, lasted approximately twenty years -- from 1964 to 1984.

History will likely remember the company for its tenacity in pursuing acquisitions; their high-profile corporate executives; and, two United States Supreme Court cases that the company was involved in during its short life span.

Nostalgic History

This website was created as an educational and research informational site that presents the public image of Bangor Punta and the companies they owned.

If you have scans of documents related to Bangor Punta that you would like to contribute, please contact us at [email protected].